Digitone VST invisible in all DAWs

hi folks, new Digitone owner here. Incredibly excited!

for now only one gripe. For the love of everything thats holy, I cant figure out why Bitwig wont recognize Overbridge dlls?? I also cant change the installation directory. Anyone got any pointers? I can get Overbridge to run as an “audio interface” and also run the standalone Digitone software, but cant open it as a VST anywhere. I tried latest versions of Bitwig, Max 8 and Ableton


Drop them in your scanned folder.

thermionic, thanks for the swift reply. I of course tried this. I put them into every folder. the DAWs “recognize” the dll, I just cant drop it anywhere in the workspace. the mouse gets that little windows red icon that tells you the action cant be completed

anyone any other ideas besides dropping dlls in the scanned folder? I still cant run the VST. No DAW will recognize it

for closure, to anyone else reading this with the same problem :

When you install Overbridge, the actual .dlls in the install folder are not the VST. The Digitone.dll gets installed to default VST locations and its a bit unintuitive during installation how to change the locations. So make sure you run the installer again and select Repair, then click in the install hierarchy where your 32/64 bit Digitone.dlls are saved

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