Digitone with op-z setup

Hello just got digitone in my hands . My first synth was op-z and the thing is that I want to synch them . I have to add that I am a beginner in synths and midi setups but as a professional musician and classical guitarist I am doing ok in the creative aspect. Let me ask about a setup and if it is realistic.i want the op z to synch the digitone ( I don’t know if it is correct maybe the way around)and using the key step to play in the digitone and control the keyboard of the op z as well . And it would be great if I could customize the synth from op z with the digitone . I know that I ask a lot . Thank you in advance .


How did it go for you?
you must first decide if you want the Keystep, the OP-Z or the DT as your master.
I try diffrent would try a setups to get a feel the different benefits you get depending on what mashine to use as Master.
So here is a suggsetion for the midi connections and settings if you have the OP-Z oplab in you OP-Z. Im not sure the midi thru works with usb, i dont think it does. So the oplab is what you need here.
Set up the midi in DT and OPZ to receive notes, midi clock in ON connect them as below.
Make sure you setup all tracks on all machines on different channels 1-16 so they do not interfere with each other.

Key Step midi OUT - DT midi IN
DT midi THRU - OP-Z midi IN

DT midi clock out OFF
DT midi clock in ON

OP-Z midi clock out OFF
OP-Z midi clock in ON

Hope this can be helpful!


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