Digitone & XD midi problems

Hello hello,
I have a MIDI problem between my DT and my Minilogue XD.
I was going to loop my XD keyboard to control my T1MIDI track on my DT, the track that sequences my minilogue, in order to have a proper sequencer for my minilogue (in addition to a sync, and a mute).
I can control my DT from my XD, I can sequence my XD from my DT. But the problem is, as soon as I loop and press play on one of the two machines, both go haywire and everything glitches.

Do you know where the problem comes from ??? Upup

Hello hello! :wave:
I think this might happen because both Minilogue and Digitone are set as master devices.
If you want to use Digitone to sequence Minilogue i suggest configuring them so that Digitone only sends clock, and Minilogue only recieves clock.
That should fix them going haywire, but you will only be able to start them both by pressing play on the Digitone.
Check both manuals for midi configuration. Report back if need help.