Direct Jump Using External Prog Change

Hi, I am using the Hapax in tandem with the AR. I am using “Direct Jump” as the setting for pattern changes in the AR. The AR receives program changes, and changes to the corresponding pattern (when “Change” is set to 2 in Advanced Settings), but the patterns all start from the beginning rather than at the next step, as is the behavior when using Direct Jump within the device. Why is this? Is there a workaround? Is Elektron seeking to correct this?

Many thanks for any input!

Probably not, but you could email them a bug report/feature request.

Manual pattern changes and Chained and sync’d pattern changes should all behave the same way, IMO, but they don’t. It’s best to consider that only Sequential works properly with Chained and sync’d patterns.

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I put in a support ticket in regards to this issue; hopefully anyone else who would like to see this bug corrected does the same. I feel like if they receive enough requests, they will look to fix this bug (hopefully). Given that Direct Jump works as expected directly on the machine, it doesn’t seem like too much of a leap in terms of the software to have it behave similarly with external MIDI PC control.