Division Department 01/IV

Having a Nord drum which operates in the same fashion, Ive found that you can layers sequences on top of each other for some really cool patterns…
as an example doing half tempo stuff.

You can put a kick on 1 and snare on 9 they both have the highest velocity.

Then you can have a new track on OT with an odd numbered track length set out some triggs (trig conditions? Why not!) with a lower velocity. You can layer 4 tracks with different track lengths and different velocity.

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Yeah, using multiple MIDI tracks seems to be the way to go.

If the Nord drum also triggers different voices with different notes, have you had any success using the OT arp to trigger them all?

I’m finding it interesting, but not entirely intuitive yet to know which scale will trigger which voices. I did however find a spot where a major scale spanning two octaves will hit voices 3 and 4 in a fun way, so then I use another arp to cover voices 1 and 2.

It probably sounds silly to use an arpeggiator to trigger a drum machine, but it’s fun and I don’t think I would have considered it if the voices had independent MIDI channels

Oh yeah, this is really fun! I love polymetric stuff

Not sure If the 01/iv is set up the same way but on the Nord drum it’s just c4 to d#4 to trigger each drum channel… any triggers outside of those notes won’t trigger anything.

It’s complicated. :stuck_out_tongue:


I honestly don’t use all the features of the Blokas, but you could get really crazy with it. I have one preset that just remaps each part to midi channels 1—4, and another that transposes my 6equencer to trigger the right parts. I think I also limited the note length to be super short too, so I can avoid a ‘sustain’ stage in the envelope and just start playing from a blank patch/file without changing all my note/gate lengths.

This is why I sold mine.

it’s not why I sold mine, but the extra CC’s can be a little annoying. I think it depends upon how you’re sequencing it though. like setting up a template or instrument definition in your DAW should solve the problem pretty easily. or I did this in the Cirklon and it worked great. doing this from the OT might be frustrating; not sure, never tried it.

I do wish they’d put in a shift button so that the CC’s were accessible from the front panel. I can’t recall the last machine I’ve dealt with where there were useful/somewhat common parameters that couldn’t be accessed via the machine’s direct controls. or maybe I never RTFM well enough to understand that you could? :rofl:

Oh my fucking god!

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I think it’s easy enough. An intuitive way to do it is to use one MIDI track per voice, where all the CCs for that voice are set up, then save a template project.

But yeah, in general I wouldn’t have designed it this way. It is a bit strange, but seems to lead to interesting rhythmic and sonic territory than if the MIDI implementation were more straightforward

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that’s kind of what I was hoping. I’ve actually never tried template projects on the OT, so I wasn’t sure how it all worked. glad to hear it’s working well!

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Yeah, I have a couple templates saved on the OT, mostly for controlling different external instruments with MIDI. It’s really just a project with all the MIDI set up, and no music written. I bet it’s much nicer on the Cirklon though!

I was considering using a more polyphonically oriented sequencer, considering it’s all on the same MIDI channel, like maybe the Digitone, but I got enamored with this ridiculous arp technique on the OT, so have since decided the OT is the way to go. I’m also generally addicted to the OT and all the resampling mayhem it’s capable of.

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on the Cirklon you can set each channel as an individual instrument, including midi port/channel and note to sequence with, name the instrument, assign and name all the midi CC’s as track parameters, and then save/recall all of that with basically one button press. I think you can essentially do the same in an OT template though, short of the naming part.

I don’t know why the same channel thing bothers people though. almost every drum machine I’ve ever owned does that. all the TR-X0X machines (and their clones), Sequential Drumtraks and TOM, Korg Volcas, etc… I’d rather have less channels dedicated to one machine anyway, as I’ve got enough tied up!