Division Department 01/IV

what exactly does that mean?

what can be confusing at the beginning is that C1 on the 01/IV chart is C3 on the digitakt. But if you look at the midi cc number, it is the same. In this case it is 36 on both. Just look at the number and ignore the note name.

No joy as in… I still only have the 01/iv on one midi channel, on one Digitone track. I’d like to get the Digi sending midi channel 1 on track 1, 2 and 4 and the 01/iv to see that.

so what does exactly happen when you play a note on Midi Track 1 on the Digitone?
What does happen when you play a note on Midi Track 2 and 4?

Is it possible that the Midi Tracks are muted on the Digitone?

Midi track 1 sends midi to the 01/iv (when the drum synth is configured to midi 1) and I get triggers. I can set the 01/iv up to be on any other single channel. I just can’t send multiple tracks to one midi channel.

Other midi channels … send elsewhere.

Division Dept write that the 01/iv can only receive on one channel (in their online manual).

I setup Midi Track 1, 2, 3 and 4 to Midi Channel 1 and can send notes at the same time from every Midi Track triggering different voices on the 01/IV. No problem here.

Which voice is triggered depends on the note that is played.

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This is what I have done.

It doesn’t work sadly.

I am going through a midi hub of sorts (Sherman Filterbank - which has 3 thru ports) so will try bypassing this tomorrow.

Cheers all, for the help so far.

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Oi, i didn’t notice that you were writing about the digitone and not the digitakt, I am not sure about the midi sequence. Looks like Paulito has some experience with it tho. Another thing to try would be start a new project on the digitone, and assign the 4 midi tracks to channel 1 to see what happens there. I am just working on my first morning coffee so my brain is a little :drooling_face:

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I have this working.

I was setting midi channels with
func+midi > channels

I needed to set midi channels with
midi > syn1

The 01/iv is working just as I hoped now.

Thanks again ‘nauts.


Curious if anyone has this and the DFAM and would like to compare the two in terms of overall sound? Someone earlier in the thread said the 01/IV seemed more tame in comparison the the DFAM but I’m not sure why that would be the case with the possibility of FM between voices. I’m mainly asking because there’s an offer to trade my DFAM for a the 01/IV but I’m not 100% sure about it.

Anyone know if you are able to pan the individual channels? I did not see anything mentioned in the manual.

I believe the main mix out is mono, so no panning there, but each voice has a separate out, so with a mixer, or with each voice going into a DAW, panning would be possible that way.

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Sold my 01/IV and wanted to share some parting thoughts (echoing what others have already said).

I like the form factor/layout and overall it feels nice to use (except the switches, which are on the budget side).

Sound is subjective, but I’d say that the demos currently available online give a fairly good representation of what to expect.

FM is a nice inclusion, though it is limited to the analogue oscillators (triangle and saw waves).

I’m in two minds about the mod section. While generous, I’d mostly trade it for more comprehensive midi implementation.

For example, to fully access the LFO requires four physical controls and four CC messages. Using a MIDI LFO from the DN/DT would be preferable to me at least.

Cool little drum synth for sure, but as I like to keep things minimal, time to cut the 01/IV loose.


One nice thing about it being mono, is no guilt when you bring the main mix in on just L or R of Digitone, and centre that. (And put something else on the other channel)

What replaces it for you?

No strong candidates at this point, perhaps just a sufficiently flexible analog synth.

I would love a DN/DT style drum machine though. :diddly:

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What cable are you guys using on the mix out? Mine seems really noisy I’m hoping it’s just the cable.

Short annotated demo:

And using MonoMachine to sequence:


Man that kick is solid af.

Damn that would look real good next to my Monomachine :joy:

Here’s the second video’s author using the same setup in a track:

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