DK encoder problem - video

Yesterday I received my new DK and within a few minutes I noticed that encoder “G” was jumping all over the place.

  1. Turning the encoder slowly just jumps between different values and doesn’t really go anywhere
  2. Push down on the encoder turning encoder “G” seems to do everything in reverse so at 0 position mine reads 127 and at 127 it reads 0

Seems like this encoder is working in reverse but turning slowly just jumps


DK encoder fault

I made a short video, should I send this back it’s a day old?



I would ask the shop to swap for another unit. It certainly looks like a hardware problem with the encoder.
Does it act the same on all pages?


Yeah on all pages and only with that encoder, really bugs me as I had it all ready to be set up with my gear.
Emailed the shop but no reply yet so will give it till Monday

Definitely one for the shop to sort for you. The quickest way you’ll get a working unit again assuming they have stock. You can test encoders on the startup test mode so you will be able to see a demonstration of it more clearly and maybe get an error message. See manual

Yeah I did the start up test too before I made the video, can’t do it again as Iv’e boxed DK back up and wait see if they respond, says the store is open till 6pm but nobody got back yet.

On the Test start up same thing, encoder “G” had a mind of it’s own. Other than that if I can get a straight swap I’ll be happy, they do show them still in stock too.
Probably gonna be another week or so to sort this out, posting etc but hope they can do something. First thing I do is check encoders etc, glad I did.

I also put in the return notes to the store to do the start up test so hopefully they do and then just swap for another unit, fingers crossed.

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That’s the thing even when I did the start up test it showed no errors at all even when the encoder was moving backwards when turning clockwise it would just stop midway and go the other way, weird that it showed no errors but I’ll let the shop decide.
Other than that the DK is a lovely instrument to play and it feels solid.
I’ve got some stuff on eBay so once they’re gone I’ll have my Digitakt back too and maybe the Heat MKII later.



Well the guy from the store emailed me at 2am in the morning saying it was indeed a hardware fault by the looks of the video I sent them and posted here.
So just now I got an email saying another DK had been dispatched today and the delivery guy will also pick up the faulty DK tomorrow.

Very happy, I’ll be doing a thorough start up test on arrival.


Good to hear, Rob. Very good service of the seller btw !

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Get my stuff here Peter

The Disc DJ Store

They even email you to see how your getting on with your gear, also do good deals and price matching other stores


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I’m debating whether to buy a Digitakt this week OR hang on until next month and get an Octatrack MKII.
I’m thinking what’d be good long term for using with my new Digitone keys.
Although I do have the Akai MPC X I think Octatrack may have the more tighter midi sequencer and be more hands on but with a bigger learning curve.
The OT has stereo sampling whereas the DT is mono so I’m also considering this.
Thing is, would it be better to pair the MPC X with the Digitone keys or the OT?
Decisions :roll_eyes:

Just got a new DK from the shop, tested and all perfect yay!


Good to hear, Rob. Have fun!

Next the Octatrack? :slight_smile:

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Hmm maybe if not Digitakt Peter

Digitakt…mono samples, short sample time
Octatrack…stereo samples, long sampling time

But ok, the price difference. Or maybe a used MK1

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Can’t believe I never bought the DK earlier, the new update 1.30 features are amazing… Gonna hook up the boss pedals to these extra outputs and be in Ambient heaven tonight :heart_eyes:

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