DN eating my MIDI CC messages

I’m running the following setup:
Arturia KeyLab mkii -> Digitone -> Splitter (Drumbrute, pedalboard, Behringer 2600)

I’m trying to get my KeyLab to use its transport controls, encoders and faders, but it’s not working when I plug in the DN.

Here are the things that do work:

  • Using the KeyLab to play notes on the DN and the 2600. (Haven’t figured out the DrumBrute, but one thing at a time)
  • Using the DN to control the DrumBrute, pedalboard and 2600
  • Plugging the KeyLab directly into the pedalboard lets me control it.

It’s weird–like when I put the DN into the MIDI chain, it stops passing along anything except note messages. Any ideas?

“DN eating my sausages”

I didn’t have my glasses on.

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Alas. If that were my problem, things would be a lot more exciting.

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Are you using the Thru-port?

I am. I’m worried it might be something with the splitter. Here’s how I’ve got it configured:

KeyLab mkii -> Digitone MIDI IN

from there:

Digitone MIDI OUT -> Splitter -> Drumbrute, Pedalboard
With this port, I’ve been able to send START/STOP messages to the DrumBrute and PROG CH & CC messages to the pedalboard (NightSky and Ottobit Jr., for reference). These messages were sent by my Digitone. I haven’t been able to get CC messages from my keyboard to my pedalboard (sending on/off or bypass, for example). I want to be able to map my keyboard faders, encoders and toggles to the pedalboard through the DN, but no such luck yet.

Digitone MIDI THRU -> Behringer 2600
I had to move the 2600 to the MIDI THRU because I couldn’t get note messages on it otherwise. That’s good, but it’s not taking any note messages from the Digitone, which is a problem.

Stuff I can do that I want to do


  • Start / Stop from DN
  • Change Program from DN


  • Change Program from DN
  • CC messages from DN


  • Get notes from KeyLab

Stuff I can’t do that I want to do


  • Sequence notes from DN
  • Start / Stop from KeyLab


  • Change Program from KeyLab
  • CC messages from KeyLab


  • Sequence notes from DN

I had a similar predicament recently. I solved it with a 2 IN, 2 OUT MIDI merger / splitter.

The problem you have is that the Digitone MIDI out only sends MIDI signals generated within the Digitone and the MIDI thru only sends a copy of the MIDI in (your MIDI controller).
These 2 MIDI streams need to be merged together, then sent out to your other pieces of gear.

Your setup should look something like this:

Keylab -> DN MIDI IN


MIDI MERGE OUT -> Splitter -> Drumrute, 2600, Pedalboard.

This lets all of your gear receive notes, cc’s, and transport from your DN and Keylab.

I use an Iconnect MIDI 2+ that I picked up second hand for about £20 for a merger.
There are quite a few options on the market.

Hope that helps.


Wonderfully helpful, thank you! I’ve got a MOTU MIDI brain I can throw on there for that. It’s a bit overpowered for this task, but I can at least test it.

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That worked, but I’m encountering a new error! (of course)

When the DN tries to play the Behringer 2600 on its channel, the gate can get stuck open. This results in the note being held forever, changing as I play other notes. Only my DN is having this effect. Should I make a new thread?