DN external Audio FX BUG or Design?


adding FX to external Audio, after pressing stop twice (the hard cut), the External Audio FX are gone.
They get reactivated only if I play an internal sound or restart the unit.
Is this a bug or why is this?


Double stop is meant to turn off all of the sound including the FX, so I believe it’s by design. It’s sort of like a “Panic” button that regular synths have.


yes the double stop is ok. but the reactivation is strange. you have to play an internal sound to activate the external audio in FX… this is a strange design I think…
or a bug :wink:

If it’s OK for double stop to cut off all sound (including FX on external audio in), what would you expect to have to do to re-enable it? In other words, how would you like it to work?

well it’s quite simple: the double stop cuts the current sound. any new sound should be processed as expected.
so from functional design stand point: on new audio in (some threshold value) -> FX on :slight_smile: