DN : Huge Kick by accident - have you tried this technique?

I made a chord in my DAW and was sending it to my DN, but I went to the wrong channel. Turned out I sent it to my deep kick and it must have been in poly mode.

Anyway I think I accidently stumbled on a way to make massive kicks. The chord is 4 notes in the c2-d3 range and playing all those kicks at once just makes it monstrous. Haven’t processed the preset at all so you can just dial up that sound and it works perfectly.

This very well may be a known thing here, but it has huge knock and deep low end. Hopefully someone else tries this so I know I’m not crazy. :slight_smile:


post a recording?

It might just be super-loud, when evaluating sounds super-loud ones tend to sound good to me, but then end up difficult to mix because there’s no room left for anything else. (:

Does it sound as massive at low volume?

But, to be sure, layering kicks is a thing. :stuck_out_tongue:

Yeah let me post it because I know all the things you are saying. I’m well aware of the psychoacoustic tricks that can occur. I don’t think this will be tough to mix at all but see for yourself. Listen to the deepkick preset on it’s own and then this one.


I usually just get the same thing by going ham with the high pass filter putting the kick into near saturation. Doesn’t take up as many voices and you don’t have clashing frequencies of different fundamentals in the bass region. :slight_smile:

True but this was an accidental kick. I could just tune it differently or tighten the decay. Additionally i sampled it so I wouldn’t keep it running if i wanted other things playing on the dn.

Yeah, sounds quite good!

Stacking kicks is fun, and that def sounds quite thick.

This VST was an interesting step in the direction of drum sample layering:

Unfortunately the experience of using it ultimately turned out to be sort of slow and frustrating, but I’d love to see more done in this area/direciton.

Thanks for the sample!

Absolutely. Yeah just a random mistake I made that turned into a pretty cool concept. I love sampling drums out of my synths, so I will try and develop this idea a little more. Like maybe not send a chord but just a stack of 4 C notes next time…etc.

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