I’m currently attempting to use my Digitone with OB, utilizing the input and FX for a Pocket Operator. I can sync the PO with the metronome of the DN, however, in order to use the FX, I end up with a feedback loop.
The only way to get the metronome to output allowing me to sync the PO (or modular gear etc) I have to enable “INT TO MAIN”. This works fine if I don’t want to apply FX to the input, however, that’s the major draw for me in using this setup. I love the Chorus, Reverb and Delay of the Digitone and would like to print those FX to the incoming signal.
I would love to see a feature in a future firmware release that could separate the metronome output from “INT TO MAIN”, perhaps adding “metronome to main”, sending clicks isolated to the headphone or line outputs.
The fact that you can subdivide the metronome output makes it incredibly useful for clock sync and with the Overbridge workflow, it leaves me with dormant hardware outputs from my Digitone that I think would be perfect sync ports!
Anyone else with me on this? I submitted a ticket but am curious to see if any of you would support this idea as well.