DN Keys as a MIDI Controller for AR?

Hi, I have two machines I want to work together: DN Keys and AR. I want to use the DN Keys as MIDI controller for the AR – to access its analog engine and play it as a mono synth using a MIDI controller. Any ideas on how to route/set this up? Thanks in advance!

Will you want to play multiple tracks on the Rytm from the DNK?

Will you want to sequence the Rytm from the DNK? (I know it sounds wild, because the Rytm has its own sequencer … but I think it’s worth asking because there might be different settings)

I want to be able to play the AR notes on the keyboard of the DN Keys – you know, chromatically, like a Keystep MIDI controller

Hey… I know you replied, but you didn’t answer either of my questions. It would really help people that might want to make suggestions if you could answer them explicitly. Your answers will help people make useful suggestions because the configuration will change for different uses.

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To get it to work:

On the Rytm:

I put the DVCO on track 4 CP

Settings > Midi Config > Port Config

On the “Input From” select midi

On the DKN, you should be able to press midi.

Press your SYN1

On this page enable the midi channel by pressing FUNC and the encoder “A” down. Then select midi channel 4 with the encoder “A”

Also, make sure you have a midi cable from the MIDI Sync Out A on the DKN. Should be going to MIDI In on the Rytm.

Hope this gets you what you’re after.

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Sorry I didn’t understand your questions in regards to my original post. But to answer you:

  • I only want to control a single track playing a mono synth bass from the DN Keys
  • I am not sure if I will need to sequence the AR from the DN Keys, but that seems really handy
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Thanks for your reply! I’m not getting sound on the AR. Do I have to change my MIDI settings on the DN Keys at all?

Not sure what’s up with that.

Here is my settings on the digitone

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What about your MIDI Sync settings on both machines?

On the digitone: All boxes have check marks except

“Prog Ch Receive” isn’t checked.

On the Rytm: All boxes have check marks except

“Prog Ch Send”

Hope you can get it working!

OK thank you for your guidance! I appreciate it :slight_smile:

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You’re welcome.

With my usual settings (midi sync is usually opposite of what I posted), I had them connected so Rytm midi OUT was going to DKN midi IN. I already had a midi cable plugged into the midi OUT of my DKN that wasn’t plugged into anything. I plugged it to the midi IN of the Rytm.

As soon as I pressed play on the digitone, both machines froze. Probably cause the midi loop.

I took one of the midi cables out, and set it up like I had described in my earlier posts. It worked for me after that.

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