DN - live recording on chained sequence?

Is it possible to live record on a chained sequence?

My Bassline is 4 measures and 2 beats long, so the only way to do it would be to chain a 4bar pattern and a 1/2 bar pattern together.

thanks in advance,


it is possible to record on a chained sequence the steps will just record to whatever pattern is active at the time (historically on the other Elektron boxes, I haven’t explicitly tried it on DN yet),

Alternatively there are other ways to squeeze more into the 64 steps, you can use the arpeggio to get subdivisions of a step, and you can use the track multiplier to make a track longer or shorter (by a large factor, admittedly, and it’s global unlike the OT). Try running at 0.5x with 33 steps for example, then combined with the arp trick you could have your 66 steps.

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Thanks! I’ll try the arpeggio tip.
I learned a lot from this.
