DN preset sounds? Where are they?

I got a used digitone and went through the preset project. There are some sounds in there I like a lot and want to use with my own project, but when I go to find them they don’t exist? For instance, on A04 there is a Koto harp. I sort the sound browser alphabetically and don’t see it anywhere. Same with most (all?) other sounds. Anybody know what’s going on here?

what happens when you go to ‘Manage Sounds’ (FUNC + imp/exp > MANAGE SOUNDS)? it should take you to Bank A of the saved sound presets. If it/any of the ones arent showing up in Bank A then i’d guess they are in one of the other banks, so (still in ‘manage sounds’ mode) BANK + any of the bottom row of trigs will take you to the other banks

If you can register your Digitone: https://www.elektron.se/customer/products/
you can download the DN and DNK presets here: https://www.elektron.se/customer/soundpacks/#elektron-gear

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It’s not in Bank A. Which I don’t get because this pattern is A04? Again I just sorted alphabetically and got nothing. Koto (and others i like) aren’t in the list.

I’m also just generally confused how the DN stores sounds and how its management works. It seems a lot different from all the other boxes I’ve used (OT, AR, MnM, MD)

these links don’t seem to work

if i do a factory reset will it solve these problems? is there a more obvious solution i’m missing?

You should read about the Sound Pool.

You should be able to load the presets project and just save out the sounds you want. You can also copy the pattern, then load a blank project and paste the pattern into it (this is really useful for grouping together different patterns from your various projects too).

Cant remember now but I think I noticed some missing sounds too, also the factory sounds have changed since the initial release.

A lot of the sounds in the preset patterns are unique to that pattern and aren’t in the sound pool.
Use the import/export sound to save from patterns to the sound pool.

Edit : Drive…not sound pool (that was OT coming out in me).

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Sound banks and pattern banks are independent.

Do a factory reset, and then read the manual all the way through.

Factory reset should do the trick.

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I don’t know how to export the sounds if they aren’t even in the sound pool? Unless I just… Save the sound to a new slot?

^ what enzyme said. Sounds within patterns on dn are saved to the pattern and aren’t necessarily found in a preset. You can either save to an empty preset slot or just copy the sound to a new pattern. This is different from a4’s kits.

How do I do this? If I save to “an empty preset slot” (let’s say B100) will that be available across projects?

Func & imp/exp, then ‘export sound’ to save the current track sound. ‘Manage sounds’ to curate your sound pool

Func & level, to browse for sounds.

If you press left while browsing sounds there are menus for search etc, more importantly you can toggle the view from +drive to pool and vice versa. If you press right while using ‘manage sounds’, there’s a similar menu for saving, tagging etc

You can figure most of this out just by pressing buttons and seeing what they do… Or you could just consult the dreaded manual.


Yes, when exporting, you are writing to the +drive. These sounds are available everywhere.

Manual schmanual! I’m an elektron VET! :stuck_out_tongue:

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Sir, I demand satisfaction!
Just kidding :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: