DNK: two stereo inputs via Y-cable?

My fellow Elektronauts,
my current (minimal) setup is a DT (Digitakt) running stereo into the DNK (Digitone Keys) inputs. No need for a mixer so far, which is lovely in terms of mobility / minimal space needed on the desk.
I want to keep my setup as small as possible and for that reason, would like to avoid the need for a mixer.
I am, however, thinking of adding an analogue mono synth to this setup which (for my taste) needs to run through stereo effects though - making it a stereo sound source. Currently looking at a Dreadbox Typhon because of sound, ease of use, great sounding inbuilt stereo fx, footprint,… what a machine!

Any ideas on how to get a second stereo signal mixed into my setup without a mixer?
Was thinking of using Y-cables on the DNK audio inputs as to double the number of inputs to four. However, I think I´ve once read that using Y-cables to sum signals may be harmful to gear (for ohm/resistance reasons which I do not really understand).
Maybe a small passive mixer would be better? Recommendations there?

Thanks for your help!

Summing your audio with those cables will make the signals mono unfortunately. So a little mixer might be needed in this case.

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You could get a synth with stereo inputs and put the dt through that and then into the dnk, the modal argon8 and cobalt8 can do this I think. You could also just run the typhon into the dt inputs job done but would be mono

Just get a mixer… Your gonna want one eventually anyway.

thank you.
maybe I need to clarify how I´d use the Y-cables:
I´m thinking of these for instance (1x stereo jack to 2x mono jack): https://www.thomann.de/de/cordial_cfy_09_vpp.htm
See picture attached.

  • The two Y-cables stereo jacks would go into DNK´s L+R inputs
  • the Y-cable connected to L input would go to Left out from DT and Left out from Monosynth
  • the Y-cable connected to R input would go to Right out from DT and Right out from Monosynth

It’s the only way to be sure

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It won’t work correctly, 2 signals cannot merge without a mixer or a special cable that has a circuit built in

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If you’re summing them to mono (which is way more problematic than you might expect) anyway, why not just output both boxes mono into the Digitone’s inputs?

Like others have said, those cables split, they don’t merge or sum.

A small mixer is so cheap. Second hand only as much as two good y-cables cost^^

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I really do need stereo for all three sources (DNK, DT, Monosynth with stereo FX) for my music…
My idea was to sum the left channel from DT and Monosynth via the first Y-cable and input the “summed left channel” into the DNK left input.
And to sum the right channel from DT and Monosynth via the second Y-cable and input the “summed right channel” into the DNK right input.
That way, I would keep the stereo image of the two machines running into the DNK.
Could you explaing what makes that summing problematic?

You all might be right on the mixer…
I´m just always trying to keep the number of machines down as low as possible :slight_smile:

A simple TRS to 2 TS splitter won’t work as a summing cable. You need a special cable with a circuit in it to do that. Also, summing stereo signals to mono can create all sorts of phasing and cancellation issues. Your intended use case, although theoretically possible, is likely to be quite problematic in this regard.

Just get a mixer.
You can get some really small mixers, I think Bastl do a tiny one, the dude or something.


Bastl Dude is only mono, though.
But there are tons of small mixers. :slight_smile:

Just checked, you’re right, screw the Bastl idea.

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I’d go with @Fin25’s Mackie mixer suggestion. It’s remarkably cheap in price! And Mackie know what they’re doing with mixers.

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I’d just sacrifice a DN voice or DT track for mono synth duties and try to learn to work with these limitations (and convenience) of using only these 2 pieces of gear. As you said, less cables, no need for a mixer, less clutter on the desk.

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If it’s a matter of convenience- then that cable hook up will work. As long as you only use one at a time.

Using both means you need something else in between (aka mixer) or use them in mono and rely on the Digitone effects to stereoize them again.

I set up my new DN so that my monosynth outputs to it as well as into my audio interface (it has 2 mono outs). I started using the MIDI tracks to sequence other gear that then gets routed into the interface (or the DN for the mono) so the computer is the mixer. Two stereo ins on the DN would’ve been a dream.

So Python says there’s no need for Typhon.
I’ve only just had a couple hours jamming. First paired up with a volca keys just to try things out (routing and programming). Ended up just using the two Elektron machines after a while. You’re so right, both make for great bass synths.
I think the last hours jamming plus your comment might have cured my GAS for now :slight_smile:

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