Do you have a standard 'go-to' set of tricks for scenes?

An OT staple is to set up a pattern length recorder buffer with a one shot recorder trig, and create a flex track pattern where you remix the recording using slices or start points, and possibly add plocks on rate, pitch, effects, etc. Use a scene to mix between the live audio and the flex remix…
I use scenes a lot for mixing and my other ones are pretty experimental and specific to the part I’ve created…


Cool idea - so do you record in from the master (track 8 for me) to do live cut ups?
That is a really good way to constantly add some flare.

I have several of these set up on different tracks, one for Rytm, one for bass, and one for guitar or vocals… My dry tracks are on the left side of OT and my flex stuff on the right. I usually just weave things in and out one at a time. I use master track to apply global effects with scenes, and have one-shot effects plocks on it that I can arm for a global breakdown, the last one-shot plock brings all the master track settings back how I like. I can latch certain effects by stopping the rearming of the one-shots before that last trig that pulls the settings back…
My setup is very different from yours as I use mainly pickup machines and am live looped based, so mainly just wanted to tell you about flex remix to apply as you see fit…

Edit: See “loop remixing” tutorial pg. 135 OT manual…

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Here’s one of my favorite youtubers with some tips for ya:


thanks so much, going to check them out right now.

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