Do you stand or sit when making music at home?

sitting pretty much all the time in a much too low position.
no proper furniture, I´ve got a living room “studio” at the moment.
luckily i walk a lot(!) in my two jobs so sitting is not much of a problem for me, but totally would prefer standing for playing instruments most of the time.

Definitely sitting or even lying down in bed. I don’t even own a desk, which is odd seeing as I’m a freelance writer by profession lol.

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a bit of both for me, it’s good to vary especially long sessions in front of the machines…a good desk, better if adjustable in height, is good too.
also, when sitting and doing sound design, things tend to strectch more compared to doing the same thing standing, but somehow i focus more in that case although it can also turn into a long session where not much happens…standing seems to be more for relistening to what i’ve done and some :man_dancing: :smile_cat:

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Standing. I enjoy walking away from the crossfader after changing scenes and dropping a beat or a fat bass line too much hahaha

But sitting is nice when you don’t have many tracks lined up yet!

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I sit but like many others I work on the same computer too so I really need some breaks from the sitting. I’m a tall guy (196,5cm) so I’d need a very tall table to be able to work standing up. I also have rack gear under the table and the lowest of them is my guitar effects processor so I also spend some time lying on the floor tweaking the effects. I love rack equipment but having them on the floor like that isn’t the most ergonomic solution.

Luckily I’ve started to teach myself guitar and that is something I prefer doing standing up. When I was still a dj I spent the whole gig (5-7 hours) standing up and had no trouble with that. That felt like the ”right” way to do it. Performing standing up feels right. But at home I prefer the comfort of my chair.

This lockdown has made me hunt for a proper expensive ergonomic chair though. I spend so many hours in that thing that it could be of a little higher quality than Ikea.

I do both. Different postures for different tasks. I can’t really imagine sitting while performing live (except when I’m drumming). A wise old dj from Detroit once told me you need to mix with your ass and you can’t do that sitting.
More often than not I play sitting at home. I’d rather stand but I’m on my feet all day everyday at work (Carpenter/ construction) and I’m just too tired and sore to stay upright for hours on end at night.


Depends- when I play guitar or perform live, I stand as it suits me better. But if I am spending a lot of concentrated time figuring out how to build stuff on my synths, I sit.

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Definitely both. I noticed I have a better feeling for rhythm when standing – letting the body groove to the music.

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I believe I actually neither sit nor stand…

I levitate.

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I recently saw some videos with rack gear mounted in a box vertically, fronts facing upwards. Is that atypical or not? (No experience with that myself) In case you have room on the floor next to your chair, that might be nice to look into?