Do you think Elektron will ever make a single channel Octatrack?

I think it would be really cool if Elektron made a Monotrack, like a single Octatrack track with one record buffer and made it cheaper.




Individual outputs for each track ! :+1:


Different thing, and I have a guitar. I have a goal I want to accomplish and the point for me personally isn’t really to just have fun with whatever (I’m happy for the people who do that however)

You know what I wouldn’t even care if it was mono :smiley:

What is your goal ?
Have you considered the Zoia ?
Probably more efficient than a hypothetical Monotrack…

I want one Octatrack track to chop samples, like a digital tape.
Will have to check it out

Accidentally didn’t reply, anyway u see the post :smiley:

what if it was sort of modular? you get one track/device (or module) which can be chained to others…the X-Track :smile_cat:

That’s called a digitakt.

I was really hoping for an Octatrack without any channels: the Nulltrack. Instead of whole “parts” they could just have little “fragments” or perhaps “particles”… It would be cheaper, no recording buffers to manage, so much easier to use.

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Can’t sample while playing

You know it makes sense :smiley:

Lmao that could be fun :smiley:

Monotrack… key.

Edit: 1/2 gold star for @turbo7021:

This… kind of makes sense? Since DT now does so much with samples and sequencing, you could cleave another big piece of the OT functionality off and build a Digi-sized live looper with sequenceable mangles.

I mean this drop is basically the essence of this thread sans sample.