Doctors are furious at this little known Digitone trick!





Hahahahah, lol… :grin:

Trigless Locks…


what was your configuration when you tried this experiment? id like to see if it’s possible to use the layer feature to sequence notes from external midi (will be my OT when I reunite with it) while sequencing just lock trigs on the DN. I’m finding it kind of maddening the way elektron designed the input and editing of note data on this box tbh

ok – no need to use layer at all for the external midi approach. you can just send the DN midi notes (currently doing so over USB from Numerology) and set up your lock trigs (including sound locks :wink:) on the DN and nudge them all in microtiming 1/384 later than the grid point. think i will try using my OT to sequence my DN’s notes from now on, and use this trick for all timbral and effect p-locking within the DN. best of both worlds and avoiding the worst of either :wink:


I’ve watched this great video many times, but still don’t understand the benefit.

Does it save something? It seems to shift the burden of trigs from one channel to another.
Does it give an otherwise unattainable sound?

What are use-cases for the trick?

Well the big advantage is that you can have conditional parameter locks, which normally aren’t possible. Normally trig conditions are applied to the trig as a whole.

Another interesting use is having different scale lengths and/or multipliers on the two tracks. So while the notes are trigging together your modulation can work in a different way, maybe go in and out of phase etc.


Possible with microtiming shift, but not on all steps.

Interesting trick, but I don’t think I’d sacrifice a track for that.

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Yes, very much depends what you’re trying to achieve. If you’re using the DN for a polysynth part with a single sound it might be worth it. You don’t always have to use four different sounds or all four tracks. DN reminds me of the Monomachine in that regard.

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Here’s an enhancement - No need to lose voices this way - just assign/lock the 8 voices across the other tracks and you can use the sequencer of e.g. 1 freely (because it never sounds) to play Track 2 and track 2 can have its own lock on concurrent trigs - this is a great tip :thup:


The ability to phase a control track is certainly of interest though. I’ve always thought it’d be sensational to be able to set mute/ accent tracks to a different step length than the one they’re mirroring, but alas.

Of course, it’d be even better if you could midi loop without incurring crashes, but alas. :confused: