Does DT/DN's external input have "analogue dry through"?

Let’s say I process my analogue Moog through DT/DN input and apply some built-in reverb.

Do we have in such case full AD/DA conversion (therefore entire Moog signal gets digital at some point) or perhaps it works similarly to my Source Audio Collider which has “analogue dry through” feature (which means that even if you turn the effects on, the dry part of the signal is kept analogue and at the end of the chain gets mixed with digital wet part of the signal)?

Thank you :slight_smile:

For digitone, p15 of the manual should answer your question:

The master overdrive is digital.

Thank you

I revised this diagram, but it doesn’t clearly / precisely answer my question (or I can’t read it)
From one hand if you look at chorus / rev / delay - then I’d guess the dry part remains analogue (and is then mixed with wet digital part).

But then all goes into “Master overdrive” (which we know is purely digital) and it doesn’t seem that the dry part bypassess it (or am I wrong?), thefore all gets ‘digitalized’.
I like how e.g. Source Audio addresses it - they clearely state for each box how they handle dry part (e.g. they say it’s ADT for Collider, but for e.g. Nemesis both dry & wet are ‘digitalized’)

The contetx for my question is that yesterday I plugged my Sub 37 to Digitone (which then goes to analogue mixer) and even with all effects / sends set to 0 (and unity gain set properly) I can hear slight deterioriation in quality (comparing to Sub 37 plugged directly to analogue mixer), which made me think it gets AD/DA converted. There’s just some very slight clipping / harshness in high end - not sure how to explain it, it’s subtle but I hear the difference

As there’s no real way to monitor how hot your incoming signal is on the DN, I would try lowering the volume of the Moog coming in and raise the input volume instead to make your comparison. Personally I find the DN input audio to be very transparent, but haven’t done a real deep analysis.