Does Equipment Matter?

Timbre, tone, the way those move over time, the ways sound components can be modulated, unpredictability or instability of circuitry, dimensionality/body/weight, tactile feel, workflow, fun/play/exploration, intangibilities/spiritual harmonies/ecstatic experiences, different gear working together in a single ecosystem, and in what ways and how they add up to more than their individual parts when integrated, theories and principles of sound design whether arcane and exclusive to you or widely shared - to the extent that all of these are a function of “equipment”, then equipment matters. That’s not to say you have to go down a rabbithole or spend enough to mortgage a house, but if you care about sound, dynamics, song creation, or anything of the sort, or even why music is meaningful to you and what the greatest music you’ve heard does and how it does it and how to work from your inspirations, then these are things to think about

i see art (and music in particular, being the most abstract and ineffable of art forms) as basically the only credible magic in the world - no matter how much it can be explained and dissected down to its bare bones, there are still atomic elements that resist it and still make me feel like a little kid filled with wonder and awe. i’ll chase that wonder and awe whether i share my results with a single soul or not - the creation itself is a worthy thing, maybe the most worthy thing short of the biggest stuff like (speaking entirely personally here) creating a human life and raising it


um…hate to blow holes in your theory…but

I payed for FL version 4 in 2003 (called fruity loops back then)
it comes with Free life time upgrades…
now at version 20 fifteen years later!

For less than the price of a Volca…


oh, i remember those times.
everyone knew Fruity Loops, but very few people knew wtf is Ableton Live )


And if we bought the “right” equipment, our heirs can sell them at a higher price than we had to pay. Some gear can be a real investment …

from this point of view, right gear for me is underestimated gear.
like Novation Nova Laptop or Blofeld.
so people outside the western world, like me, can buy it for reasonable prices )


Because we change.
As does the music and the culture.

And one more thing.
No offence but the fact that there are so many instruments already mass-produced does not say anything about the quality of these instruments. Nor about finding a creative connection with one of these.


Processes matter. Things do not. A piece of equipment, as a thing by itself, doesn’t matter at all - unless its subsumed by a process; then it assumes some importance, but really it’s the process that counts.


People still use Cubase 1

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Many striving for authenticity are aping what they consider to be authentic and in doing so are being inauthentic.



i still use Windoze 98 :rofl: (yes, really) to run some abandonware.
but not directly on the modern hardware, and that’s the point.



what am I looking at right now !?! is this a win98 editor for Toraiz AS-1 SO DOPE


no, this is Bitheadz Retro AS-1 software synth, version 2.1

Never heard these before. Thanks for sharing. Usually I’m slightly ambivalent about Autechre, especially their more experimental works, but these are more accessible and f’ing gorgeous to me. Only the RY30… damn.


Nice…TITE! :+1:

Personally…id rather stay current :wink: and in Logic.
But its (cubase) MIDI implemantation is pretty amazing.


oh, i suspected that you’re talking about using cubase 1 on atari.
i see i was right :slight_smile:
actually, early versions of cubase were superior. (not used 1 or 2 myself, i started with 3.0).

anyway, i dislike generic operating systems for realtime application. all of them are unreliable. that’s why i prefer hardware solutions (i mean, with specialized OSes inside).
because maintaining my own linux distro (yes, i’ve built one for using on stage) is time consuming, and it’s still not that rock solid as specialised OSes. so i’d better spend this time jamming, drumming, etc.

Seen em 4x…1x hardware, 3x max. No issues.

[fixed to start at right point, starts getting serious around 34:10]

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Max only or maxforlive?

Max only

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I have one of them! It was quite handy for live gigs around 13 years ago too.

I was fooling around with it controlling a Dreadbox Nyx a while back, and the combination was rather good.

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