Does Equipment Matter?

two things that matter the most are taste and creativity

regarding ae and max… using max/msp means you have any imaginable equipment at your disposal but it means nothing unless you have great taste and creativity (high iq helps too)


Sure that’s cool (actual it’s awesome), but when was the last time you made fire with Mario Music Composer? lol

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oh dear, that explains so well why that little voice in my head told me to buy a TX802 FM synth last week - it was a cry for plasticity :yum:

Max/MSP is a subculture, not just a software )

(same for csound, supercollider, and other sects like these)


and Max 3.x still had the Timeline object

this night i was doing a little research of local second hand gear market, trying to figure out what gear available here is polyrhythm capable.
so, it seems like i have the ultimate answer of this topic’s question:
it depends of what one wants equipment to do.
when commonly available features required, equipment does not matter.
but when it comes to uncommon features, e.g. polyrhythms — equipment matters a lot.
because it turned that very few gear can do it :slight_smile:

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Traditional African Music uses Polyrythms. The workaround for electronic music is just multitracking which has been around decades. Not as easy but thats the point. It can be done.

What an incredible sentiment

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that´s why he has 13 Boutiques. :rofl:

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“We’ve had horses for thousands of years, why do we need cars?”


An inventive mind will create music with whatever is at hand, as long as whatever means 13 boutiques :grinning:


If equiptment didn’t matter non of us would be here on this forum…we would be joyfully sharing stories on Facebook about kazoo solos and auto chord generators on Casio keyboards…

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:joy: I walked into that one didn’t I?

Joking aside, I could manage with much less and of course don’t use them all at one time.

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Equipments do no matter- I made my albums in Reason with some light touch from Elektron Machines

I only follow this place for music ideas, I don’t follow influencers like BoBeats, Huang and all that stuff out there.

Didn’t Dave Smith have a hand in making that?

I think equipment matters 100%. I’ve owned lots of gear and you need to find a) the equipment that gives you the sounds you want to realise your ideas and has an interface you like and b) the most engaging way you can find to realise your ideas eg the best sequencer for your workflow etc.

You can get from a to b in so many ways, you could write an acid house track with a 303 and 909, or do it on the computer, they are both completely different and legitimate ways to get there. But it comes down to sound, process and interaction.


…even the finest of the finest gear can’t replace a lack of content…

what’s the use of a track that sounds great, but has no story to tell, no content to touch, no moment to last…

evry second u put into ur work, no matter what gear suits u, can be felt in the end…

but of course, summing all up on an ssl console will make a difference…
recording through good converters will pay off…
analog voices got more sonic flesh to deliver…

but no matter what…soundquality can be achieved by proper engineering, with whatever u got in use…good euqipment adds “only” the cherry on top of it…adds some comfortzone to ur workflow…
and where it’s at today…even the cheapest plastic can be turned into some kind of huuuge sonic chain of events with some decent final treatment…


Good start…letting us know what you doesn’t influence you…

Now, take some time if you need…what lights your fuse???

Everything matters, everything is an inspiration.

Starting with your mind.

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Equipment does matter. Can’t cut a sculputure Out of a piece of Wood with bare Hands…