Does the Syntakt sound more like a Digi, or more like a Model?

I am listening to different tracks and watching videos, and wondering,for the lucky ones who already own one, if its sound is more on the line of the Digis or in the line of the Models?(besides being on a Digi case)



I’d be interested to know if the digital machines ALL rendered at a lower sampling ala the models or if there were some higher sampling machines than that like the drum engines (seemed to be a mix from the demos?), I doesnt seem to have as low a headroom at the mixer as the Cycles, so renders at a higher rate with the overall engine.

As @aloud suggests of course the analog machines will sound more Rytmy :slight_smile:


as well as the analog fx block. It’s different from Rytm, but it pushes it away from the ultra clean hi-fi sound of both the models and the digis, and more toward AR/Heat territory.


I think this question was already answered before release.

There were a lot of comments about it sounding like a Model:Cycles.
I also think it sounds like a Cycles with some extra added flavour.

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The melodic synth parts definitely sound more like an M:C than a Digitone, sadly. A bit too sterile for my taste.

Sounds the same in general terms?

I’m happy to heard that the analog ones sounds like the Rytm, how bout the digital ones? Is it more like the Cycles then?

Interesting, really interesting actually :wink:

Don’t forget the models have a drive knob that heats things up quite nicely. They can get pretty grotesque.

The 12 tracks on the ST definitely feel like a nod to the 12 tracks of the M:S/M:C combo. It’s like having a ST for half the price :sunglasses:

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Indeed. Also worth mentioning that both digital drive and analog drive in the Syntakt sound different than what’s been offered before.


Yeah true, honestly I’d buy a SynTakt in a heartbeat if I had the money. But I just meant that the models combo make for a nice “budget SynTakt” haha, especially if you buy them used

I guess I’m not helping out with the point of this thread though, my bad.

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All valid points, really.