
Thanks, everyone and great to hear @the_PMO.

My dog Rocket had to have all of his remaining teeth removed except two due to bad gum disease (getting old sucks), but he pulled through the surgery OK, is able to eat, and should make a full recovery with a lot less pain. He’s already up to long walks in the neighborhood.

We lost his best bud Comet to cancer in 2019, so I count everyday I get to spend with him as a blessing.


May i present… Charlie, 9 month old.


Meet Phyllis. Age unknown.


Omg that face is priceless! :heart_eyes:

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A bit of a PSA:

Be mindful of your furbabies in the studio. Our normally tough-as-nails Bootsy is a total wreck during loud thunderstorms, and while we were at work decided that behind my large gear rack was the place to hide out till the boom-booms went away. He then apparently got his back leg caught in a nest of cables, and was crying for dear life when my wife got home. We’re not sure how long he was back there, but he managed to chew through 15+ cables, everything from pedalboard interconnects to IEC power cables… thank goodness the power conditioner was off.

Here is a photo my wife took while I was rushing home… was afraid to pull the rack out any further.

He’s fine now… just freaked out.


Poor dude, glad to hear it didn’t turn out worse. It is our younger cat who has a taste for cables, just for fun, not trapped.

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Meet Rosie, after dispatching her latest victim. Beware, she has a taste for squeakers now!


You could have called her Cuckoo …
What an incredible face, she exudes sympathy.

some news of Raimo :slight_smile:


Just chilling out tonight :heart_eyes:


Beautiful dog ! I think we should make a thread just for GSDs - they are the best breed… (just been for a nice night run with mine in the forest and she’s now asleep on my leg)

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Mine needs lots of walks haha I agree best breed :+1: Lovely dogs I love being out with mine, we live 2 minute walk from the sea so lots of time down there for us. My Buzz will be 3 in January but he doesn’t stop growing lol

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They are just the best ! We’re dead lucky as well - we live in the middle of the forest but she does love the sea - she’s a really strong swimmer - I quite often swim with her in rivers and lakes - she’ll happily do a mile or so beside me… (my wetsuits get knackered from her claws pretty quickly though !)

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this is penny our Chi-Chi (chihuahua X crested) :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


My wife has one of these dogs it’s a little twat Iv’e no idea how my GSD hasn’t pulled it’s head off by now lol :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

@frosty_raver here’s my Ava she’s 4

She’s a big girl now but the most bad ass of the two lol


Yeah the Chi-Chi cross is a “special breed” for the most part she’s a wonderful dog but she’s definitely not the full ticket either… that being said neither are me, the missus or the kids so she fits right in :sweat_smile:

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Lol a bit like our house :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: Them little Chihuahua dogs are quite feisty some days he likes me some days he don’t. We have 4 dogs here the wife takes care of the little ones she can’t handle the GSD’s haha

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We’ve got three little shi… I mean shih tzus…



Yeah we have one of them too, we got it from the shelter 5yrs ago she’s coming up 10 now. Nice to cuddle up to these shitzus :+1:

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