Dotted 1/8 note delay

I have decided I don‘t really need my Digitone for my live setup for improvised techno anymore. I have a Machinedrum for basic drums going into an Octatrack. I also have a modular setup for riffs/leads which also goes into my Octatrack. I used to switch between modular riffs and Digitone riffs but I have decided I don‘t need the Digitone synths anymore. My Octatrack goes into the Digitone though for the dotted 1/8 note delay which I love on my drums + modular. Trying to recreate the same sound just using the Octatrack delay doesnt sound right. I would really like to replace this (stereo) synced dotted 1/8 note delay the Digitone gives me with something smaller, hopefully something I could just put in my eurorack setup, but this is turning out to be a bit more difficult than I assumed. It seems silly to keep the Digitone just for this effect but it feels like I definitely cant live without this delay. Any suggestions for a good solution on how to replace my Digitone?

a dotted 1/8th note is a division of time in your bpm of choice so if premeditated, any delay unit/pedal that allows you to set delay time in MS should do the trick. Use a reverb delay calculator to figure out the time for the bpm in question and set the ms to match for the 1/8th note delay you want.

I assume if you are using it in conjunction with a live set, you’ll want a delay unit with midi that can follow program change, but the fundamental results with any pedal or rack unit capable of this should be the same, no?


I have found that the Digitone delay - in spite of logic - is more than the sum or it’s parts. It really is quite remarkable.