Drambo (iOS)

I would be quite interested in this too.

Got a Kingston nucleum usb-c hub the other day. Plugged it into my iPad Pro and connected my k-mix mixer. All working. 8 hardware inputs and 10 outputs in aum. Gonna run digitakt, digitone and vox into drambo through the mixer and then midi slave out from aum to the elektrons. Stay tuned.


I am curious if sending click out to DT/DN from AUM is tighter than syncing AUM from the hardware via MIDI Link Sync. I will have to set it up both ways and try. Interested to see how AUM out sync works for you!

Audiobus is way better for sync.

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You can use Drambo as an AU in a host that supports midi sync; some go both ways (ApeMatrix; Audiobus3; AUM via MIDI Link Sync), others only send clock (AUM alone, etc) - I am curious which setups yield the best result. I just got an Octatrack and am learning that at the moment, so haven’t taken the time to test all these. But I DO wish Drambo had sync in stand alone. I gifted it to a friend without an iOS AUv3 host but with a ton of hardware, and so far he can’t use it synced up.

Is it? I never use it because I’ve had crashes here and there, but will test it out for this purpose.

You could actually route the audio from the iPad back to the DN and plug your speakers (or headphones) into that. You’ll get audio from both the DN and iPad coming though.

yep. I had a few other things plugged in to the USB hub…so I just routed it that way…but yes, you can feed the iPad into the DN just fine :slight_smile: Thanks for mentioning that here.

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I bought Drambo a couple of days ago, and I have to say that I’m quite impressed. The only thing I’m not really crazy about is the user interface, which I quite frankly find ugly. However, what you get for the price is simply amazing. And if the app continues to improve, the value of it will go from amazing to ridiculous.

Just the fact that you can control MIDI out data using the slider, something that you cannot do on the Octatrack (which I sold a couple of weeks ago). I’ve been testing it on my PEAK and it’s a ton of fun! Actually, during the first hour of playing around with the app, I had to laugh several times when I realized it could do things that the Octatrack never have been able to.

Elektron should both take note and be a bit scared. Just pray that the sole(!) developer doesn’t take a few coursed in design and user interaction :smiley:


Howdy everyone. Here’s a little late night Drambo jam for you. I wanted to go stand alone in this track and see how far i could push myself to own up to the Master Channel and do everything inside of Drambo and make it sound the way i usually do in AUM.

Man this app surprises me every time i open it. I want to do this on the OT some nights…but it’s not comfortable sitting on the living room sofa in the dark with it on my lap :woozy_face: so Drambo it is :nerd_face:

As always, thanks for watching :pray:t3::two_hearts:

And Soundcloud if you enjoy that sort of thang:


I just cannot seem to stop this hold Drambo has upon me. :grin:


I gave up on iOS apps for music many a year ago. Came across Drambo last night and as a poor Octatrack user I am mighty impressed with this app after having a quick 5 minute play. Off to find some videos and read the documentation.

Out of interest what’s the best way nowadays to get multi outs into a daw from a iPad (assuming Drambo is still getting multi output soon)

Had a chance to revisit the track this evening:

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Congrats. It’s a great app.

Best way is to export your stems. I use AUM for recording individual tracks.

I must be missing something but changing velocity doesn’t seem to do anything? When I have a midi note down and I edit the velocity to zero it is still making sound

Anyone know how to get one track to have a different length than the others? Like have one track be 3/4 time while everything else is in 4/4? Per track scaling I guess…

Drambo doesn’t have that yet. You can load up multiple instances though in AUM or Audiobus to overcome this. It was one of the first things I noticed. I’m sure the dev will implement it at some point.

I was just reading in the manual that you can “use the jump step component” to break a track

Might be a newer feature. There wasn’t anything to accomodate per track scaling upon release. I love using polyrhythms so it was one of the first things I checked. Haven’t poked at Drambo much at all though. I have a paralysis of choice right now :expressionless:

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oh my goodness gracious me a world of randomness has just opened itself up

so I set down three notes in a long, evolving ambient pattern and told the third note to always jump back to the first. for shits i put a random condition on a retrig of 2

and now i’ve set the first note to transpose up a third on different cycle conditions…