Drambo (iOS)

here’s a bit of that…

tried to get some other sounds going but nothing stuck. I LOVE being able to put a filter after a reverb (all on an insert!) and MODULATE the filter with an LFO! I BEG for these sorts of things in tons of non-modular environments and in Drambo it’s always easy as pie. At first I modulated the filter with the audio output from the reverb itself and got some gnarly, interesting sounds out of it.


Make sure the velocity dial is turned up on the module then draw in velocity value … (that there me off too)

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One of the downsides of Drambo is that sharing files/projects can be a PITA because of the flaws with the Files app and IOS file management in general. Some tips posted on the AB forum which may be useful to some:

A little hint at how to use WebDAV locally:

  • Enable WebDAV in Drambo (burger menu, scroll down). Drambo will always stay active in the background once WebDAV is enabled
  • Open Readdle Documents (free download) and find the “In the Cloud” section on the left locations column
  • Hit “+ Add”, then choose “WebDAV Server”
  • Give it a title like “Drambo_local” and enter: as the URL
  • Leave login and password fields empty
  • Tap on your new Drambo_local entry to connect. The file browser will open.

You now have file management for Drambo like you’ve never experienced in Apple’s own bloody Files.app :sweat_smile:


Thanks again Beepstreet for MultiOut in Drambo.
Had a great little lunch time session today:


Really like the sample over the top. Really adds to the track. As a whole sounds really good. Nice job mate👍

I should spend more time on this app. Your getting great results


Really enjoying the whole MultiOut experience of Drambo + AUM…just can’t get enough of it.
Here’s a little moody piece for your Friday/weekend enjoyment. Thanks as always for listening and viewing.



Getting a little meditative this evening :pray:t3::two_hearts:
Hope everyone is doing well. Blessings to you and yours :pray:t3::two_hearts:
Drambo sequencing my favorite kit on iPadOS


Can anyone tell me how to automate pattern changes in AUM? I have tried with midi notes but find it a bit buggy. Thanks!

Mapping the patterns to the keyboard in AUM is the only way I have gotten it to work smoothly. I tend to just chain patterns within Drambo most of the time.

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YAY, that worked perfectly. I just want to be able to change the patterns while I am working out/writing the different sections of the song, so this will do the job.

I wonder if the bug is to do with the buffer in AUM.

Thanks for your help!

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If you haven’t already, I encourage you to reach out to Drambo’s developer and report any issues. He is incredibly responsive and appreciative.


will do. Thanks!

Thought this visual might be useful for AUM+ Drambo users:

Here’s an overview video walk thru of what’s contained in the visual above.
Hope this helps with setup workflow:


This new arp is bretty good.


Here’s an update to my LaunchPad X setup that i walk thru:



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Thank you:
Had a good session last night with the new Stratosphere Cloud Reverb and Drambo with MultiOut:

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Great mapping!

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Awesome mappings - thanks for putting together the explainer video.

No clue if you have access to a 3D printer or not, but if so you might be interested in check out this mounting brackets I made for Launchpad X. They were originally designed to work with a Microsoft Surface Go, but it’s the same dimensions as an iPad Pro 11 (which I think is what you have?)

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Oh that’s pretty cool. Time to hit up a friend with a printer. Thanks :facepunch:t3: