Drambo (iOS)

How does this work with Model samples plugged in via USB?

I can’t seem to find any IOS apps that will just start playing their patterns when I press play on the M:S.

I think you would want to use the Sampler module, map the samples you want and lock the trig to that sample.

The manual is ok to get up and running but we need way more depth on some of these modules.

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This works by sending “clock” and “transport” MIDI from the MS to other devices/apps (in this case, Drambo). I don’t see a way for Drambo to receive this information on its standalone app (other apps aloow external clock to control them). If you have Audiobus or Apematrix, they receive clock, so you might be able to get it going as an AU in either of those hosts.

“full screen pattern editor”? Manual pg. 3

(eg “pages”) Manual pg 23

  1. Select Step view here.

  2. Select a step where you want to change things (like a note in this chord).

  3. Hold down the note here, while tapping the new desired note on the keyboard.


Thank you! Very helpful

This is the first IOS app i see myself using for real !
The workflow is amazing and other dev should take notes, skeuomorphic on touch screen = bad.


Apps like this makes me want to plug in a big monitor and be able to extend to multi screens/iPads

I’d like it to show parameters changing while I move the slider.
I’m sure there is more development to come , as a first release its pretty good / seems quite stable

i have waited 2 years for drambo and bought it the second it was in the app store. it’s amazing… i’ve ran 5 instances simultaneously in AUM with only 60% cpu … that’s insane.
the sequencer is amazing, its very identical to my M:S , one difference is that you can set the voices for trigs in the sequencer so they don’t cut each other off, aka run in mono. that’s huge.
sequencing other apps is simple , including retrig, retrig rate, midi delay, probability conditions, gate , offset etc.
it’s the best piece of ios software available today. get it while it’s 30% off. if you like your elektron gear you’ll like this for sure

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side note: if drambo doesnt do what you want it to now…it most likey is going to do that thing and more very soon :sunglasses:


For example resampling will come with mult-out :man_dancing:

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What kind of ipad? I’m thinking of picking up a second hand gen6 for cheap to run this and wondering if that will be new enough

It already has resampling

i have the ipad pro from 2 years ago, the last one with a headphone out :rofl: i’ve had no problems with this one…last years isn’t so nice from what ive heard… hopefully the new one is

But only for the Master, right? As there’s only one audio out?

You can resample anything. Theres a video I linked earlier in this thread with some examples. You can skip to the part where he’s resampling. The idea is that you route the output of any track module to the input of the track module with the flexi sampler on it then you record it that way. You can also have mixers set up to act as a sort of cue like on the Octa. So if you only want to resample tracks 2 and 3 for instance you set up a mixer, route tracks 2 and 3 to it then route the output of that mixer to the resampling track.

It’s pretty intuitive once you do it. I was scratching my head at first though haha. But tracks themselves are modules…helpful to remember


Oh snap then I don’t know what Bleepstreet themselves were talking about on Audiobus forum. I thought that video was only the Master.

Sweet! Will investigate.

For what it’s worth I dont even know what audiobus is and have never used it. I was talking 100% internal within drambo itself.

Yesyes, sorry, I meant the Audiobus forum. Beepstreet is over there answering questions and someone asked about resampling (a la OT) and they said it would be possible with the mult-out update. But maybe I misunderstood the original question. (Edited post above)

Thanks! I never considered that they’d removed the headphone out from newer models. Total dick move.