Drambo (iOS)

I have an iPad 5th gen (2017 I believe) and FWIW I haven’t had any CPU problems, but I also haven’t tried to push it to its limit. I’m not running aum or multiple instances or anything like that. I just run one program at a time. I did get it for 160 bucks on Ebay though and the pros are way pricier…

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Hi all, here’s a link to patches-https://patchstorage.com/platform/drambo/

How do you moved them into Drambo and load them?

Thanks :blush:

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You save to files, then import from within Drambo. There projects and module presets. For projects, import from the Open menu. For modules, open the module selector and then under processor/instrument rack click presets, as you can import from there.


Thank you, appreciate it.

Really EXCELLENT tutorial videos on Drambo.
Thank you very much for making them.

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Oh man. I think i love Drambo more than my OctaTrack.

It’s so much fun to use.
Here’s a little sonic meditation i made tonight.


Wow, this is very, very nice. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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Have you tried connecting Drambo to your M:S via midi clock through AUM? I’d just like to connect my ipad to my M:S and have both run in sync through M:S headphone out when I press play on the M:S.

Wanted to do this with Amplify Groove box but it doesn’t work with Audiobus 2 or Ableton Link.

this should be possible. i will try it later with my model:cycles and drambo (via aum, i guess) and report back.

should be straight forward, send clock and transport from m:c via usb to ipad, set app to receive midi sync…

It’s been probably over 3 years since I tried to make music on an iPad. Judging by your video things have moved on quite a bit in that space of time!

Might need to dust off my iPad and see if it’ll handle this ok. I was never much of a live sampler with the Octatrack. Much preferred playing with samples on the machine. This looks like a similar vibe albeit less tactile.

With the money I’m saving from not commuting to work every day though it’d be rude not to try Drambo!


This track wouldn’t sound out of place on a DJ Krush album. You had me locked in.

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your videos are great :ok_hand:

why do you prefer single instances in aum over standalone?

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Oh Allright… i just had to buy it eventually after Reading all the Posts and watched Some vids. Looks lke loads of fun!

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This is great

As in recorder trig style? I was gonna ask this on audiobus, missed that

Awesome. He’s one of my all time faves. :facepunch:t3:

AUM let’s me route to multiple instruments and audio busses in a single environment. In the video above Drambo is playing itself and sequencing the 2 instances of Continua. And offering effects on the PlayBeat drums.

AUM is the happy gathering place for all things AUv3 in the iPad. My virtual synth mayhem setup. :crazy_face:


i’ve been able to get them to sync in aum but not make the transport controls work to start each other. hopefully there is a way tho!

i tried it today too. the thing is, that AUM can not be midi slaved. it has to be the midi master.

but i managed to sync m:c and drambo to aum. so hitting play on AUM starts both and they are in sync.

i have midi synced many ipad apps in the past from the elektrons, so in general this is no problem…

i hope the developer includes simple midi clock sync options in a future update, also for the standalone app.

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is there an official place for feature requests / suggestions for drambo?

i would like to suggest, that horizontal scrolling in a track rack is only possible, with two fingers: it happens quite often to me, that i want to fine tune a knob (which is not selected / active already) with left/right swiping movement of my finger but move/scroll the track rack instead…

but maybe it is because i use it on ipad mini and have big hands :wink:

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i wish aum could midi slave, but i havent worked it out , its been out a long time so i think its unlikely…(wouldve been done by now )
maybe it could be done via audiobus or something…

i havent dug into ableton link stuff either, which might be an option.