Drambo (iOS)

Which part is giving you trouble?

The miRack parameters are mapped two different ways. For all parameters in miRack that have a CV (control voltage) input, a Drambo knob is connected to an audio input to send the voltage values into miRack. From my understanding this is the preferred way to map these parameters as it ensures parameter modulation will run at audio rates (when possible). Keep in mind for these you want to make sure the miRack modules values are set such that sending a CV value lets you get to the full range of values.

For parameters that don’t have a CV input, AUv3 parameter mapping is used. miRack allows up to 32 parameters mapped. You first have to use the miRack parameter mapping to assigned AUv3 parameter numbers to the miRack parameters. With that done, you then need to tell Drambo which parameters you want exposed in the Drambo UI. So you will then need to use the Drambo mapping menu to expose the miRack AUv3 params to Drambo. With both of these done you can then use a Drambo knob to connect to the parameter.

Hope this helps!


I just order the faderfox uc-4. Seems perfect with the Crossfader (how awesome !), the sliders for each track, knobs and group.

I’m looking forward to try it :smiley:

This guy’s is doing some great stuff with this combo


Hey cool ! Your video convinced me to order it. Great tracks in your channel, I dig it :slight_smile:

I received it on Friday and I like it so far.
One thing I’m not sure is to select a group and switch to the track at the same time?
Because I need to use Shift + encoder to change group but I can’t assign that combo to change track …
I would like to have 8 groups for 8 tracks in Drambo.

Also in the manual is written: “You can also select a independent group for the faders and buttons by holding shift key and press the green
buttons. The green LEDs show the selected group 1 to 8.”

But it doesn’t do it for me … On the display is not written GRP1,2,3

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re: your 2nd question: As i understand it, there are groups within groups.

So each of the GRP 1, 2, 3 etc all have 8 sub-groups for the faders/buttons. The LED lights up above the bottom buttons when you select it so you know which subgroup you are on. To be honest, I don’t use this feature.

I don’t quite understand the first question…what do you mean by “change track?”

as far as I know, the Shift button only works internally for the UC4…it can’t be assigned

Great thanks I’ll give it a a try

I’ve debated picking up one of these myself. Does pickup mode work as advertised? No jumping values in apps?
I know you don’t have this issue in Drambo, because its the bees knees how it handles incoming midi.
It is kinda the perfect little controller for drambo even though most people are oogling the EC4 atm.
I’ve also been searching high and low for one of his older UC44 (or PC44), but i’ve pretty much given up that pipedream of ever finding one.

Your videos/jams are really good, been following for a while now :+1:t2:

Question: it sort of seems that you’re somehow able to navigate through the tracks/devices on Drambo just by using the UC4. Is that correct?

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Thanks for your answer.
I tried tonight to connect it to the iPad via USB for power and midi (with the CCK) but drumbo don’t see it… I’m very surprise because it should be class compliant and it should be able to send data via USB.
Do you use it like this ?

powered cck or hub?

Powered cck and iPad 6

Yes, the encoders work as I expect them to. It’s a great machine

Sounds like a possible issue with your iPad. Mine connects through CCK directly without power. Plug and play

Thanks. No, I don’t navigate between tracks with the UC4.

That’s what I expected :frowning: , thanks for confirming. I’ll heck that.

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You can do that by assigning anything from the UC-4 to the track button in drambo, for example the green button. That way you an navigate from track to track :slight_smile:

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I read on another thread that Drambo 1.5 is in beta. Does anyone know what’s coming?

Don’t know but very interested. Where was the new published ?

Hmmmm…I wonder how well it runs on an M1 MacBook?

Had a chance to give TB FlowTones a little joy ride this evening in Drambo. The exploration is the result of 4 instances of FlowTones running via 16 Steps and being effected by Bleass Effects in Drambo.

As always many thanks for watching :facepunch:t3:


And it does. What is more with an adjustable sized window. Logic seems to recognise it as an AU, but hasn’t validated its fx. Not sure what impact that might or might not have. I guess we’ll see :slight_smile: