Drambo (iOS)

EDIT2: I somehow made it work! I think I had to reconfigure the input… but it’s working! I have a few questions regarding the Flexi-Sampler though:

  1. Is it possible to change the REC behaviour from overdub to re-record? I want to avoid having to remember clearing the sample buffer before recording a new sample - if possible.
  2. I can’t quite figure out if there’s a way to set the recorder to:
    A. start a quantized recording on the next bar.
    B. have it “close” on the next bar once REC is pressed (ie. decide while recording if I want it to be 1 bar, 2 bars, 3, 4 etc.)
  3. I’ve had a few occasions where the loop suddenly plays at double speed for a fragment of the loop… not sure what is causing it, but I’ll try to troubleshoot that if it happens again.
  4. The patch I downloaded is an instrument - it has only one MAIN section… is it possible to add Send buses to this session? or is there another workaround…?
  5. Can you send audio across tracks? (ie. audio from track 1 into track 2)
    I think those are my questions for now!

EDIT1: I found this, which I’m pretty sure is what I remember seeing - but I get no sound from the DT upon loading it… I’ll try to reverse-engineer it, but there’s a few things I don’t quite understand what they’re there for… wondering if I’m not getting audio because it was made with an earlier version? it’s dated from a year ago…
Also: tried the X-Fader module and managed to make it work between the two sources (I think) but unforunately it has a linear curve (both sources at 50% volume at the middle)

Hi everyone! so… finally decided to go for it and bought Drambo.
Still on very early stages, just had a few hours with it… but seems really powerful indeed.
My main (or should I say, first) interest is being able to use it as an Octatrack substitute (ie. transition sampler, stereo-sample player, effect processor) - pretty much like seen here:

I’m a bit confused in regards to how to set this up…
What I managed to do so far: use an audio input module to get signal, apply effects to it, set some scenes.
What I haven’t figured out:

  • How to set a flexi-sampler (if that’s indeed the correct module to simulate the transition buffer I use on the Octatrack) to start playing automatically once I start recording.
  • How to have proper crossfading beheaviour (ie. both sides at full volume at the center): should I use the X-Fader module?
  • Also a bit confused regarding the most efficient way to manage tracks, considering I want to effect the buffer and the input differently. Should I use one track for the input and another for the loop (similarly to how I do it in OT)? if so, could I still use the X-Fader module to act between to separate tracks?

I would really appreciate some help setting this up, at least in the early instances… I can get creative/crazy on my own afterwards. I think someone sharing a similar setup in more detail a while ago… but since this thread has over 600 posts, it’s a bit overwhelming to check every post, and I don’t even know if I read it here or somewhere else…


Hey. You can transfer audio between tracks. In the track settings you can set from which and to which track the audio is sent. Additionally, there are modules “audio in” and “audi out” in the misc/utility section where you can set from which track and to which track the audio should be sent.

This also applies to the patchstorage link. If you want to have audio from DT you should probably set audio from USB in track settings. At least I think so.

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Thanks for your response! I managed to migrate the patch to a new session, as to add send FX for delay and reverb - couldn’t figure out the routing when adding new tracks on the original instrument session.

AFAIK it seems like the Flexi-Sampler can’t do a few things I need (choose bar length on the spot, clear the loop automatically when re-recording) so I’m using Enso as AUv3 inside Drambo instead for now (although I still have to clear the previous loop… still a better experience so far)

Another thing I would really like to see is some kind of macro knobs - I know that I can use the crossfader, but since I’m using that for transitions, it makes it a bit difficult to also integrate effects with that…

I know I’m not using Drambo to its fullest potential (and probably never will, considering my history with apps - I’ve progressively used the iPad more like a creative tool rather than a full-on production station) but I’m hoping it can at least become a good, portable replacement for this simple task, in occasions where I don’t want (or can’t) to carry the OT with me.

As a sidenote: does anyone here use DT + a MIDI controller connected to a USB hub, going into the iPad? I recently purchased a Widi Jack (Bluetooth MIDI device) to connect my Digitakt to the iPad and using my Faderfox UC4 remotely with Widi Jack. While it does work, unfortunately the MIDI TRS ports are 3v instead of 5v so they don’t power the Widi… I need to connect it via PSU as well.
Not that big of a deal - but since I had a usb hub laying around, I tried to just connect both and see if it gave any problems… and it seemed really stable (the hub can be powered externally but I didn’t)… maybe it’s a bit risky (for a live situation for example) but it seemed to work fine.

I use the “Knobs” module (under Misc/Utility > UI) for this. It needs to be placed before the track/modules you want to add macros for so I sometimes dedicate track 1 to global macros and then set up the parameters from across my set that I want to see in one place. You can then add as many knobs as you like and route them to any modulatable parameter in the usual way (press the little triangle, then change tracks to the Knobs device and choose the output you want) and can rename them and set the range by double tapping a knob.


Spending some time outside Laguna Beach this week and decided to reflect and enjoy a little red wine + drambo tonight. As always, thanks for watching and hopefully enjoying :facepunch:t3:


I was wondering if there is or might me a possibility to “add notes silently”.
What I mean is, that I would like to add steps on the sequencer without hearing the step while I am adding it.
This would be great for creating a sequence without hearing all the “wrong” notes first before the final sequence is ready.
I think this is the only thing which bothers me about Drambo so far


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I actually think Drambo might be the all time absolute peak of bang for buck in regards to music making. It’s insane really. It’s literally as capable as an octatrack and a modular and basically anything you can think of. This plus miRack too and its more than anyone could ever possibly hope to explore for what, £40? £20 if you only buy Drambo. I can not imagine this much capability being cheaper ever again. What a time to be alive, hope he updates this app forever


Yep agreed, Drambo is incredible and is definitely my desert island iOS app. I do still love playing in AUM but it requires you to purchase so many other apps to make it valuable, and miRack is great fun but a bit too much like hard work sometimes. I will make a point of buying every Drambo IAP even if I don’t really need it, as I want to keep supporting the dev – £20 is so cheap, I have no idea how well an app like this sells but I would guess it’s still fairly niche at the end of the day.

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I haven’t opened Aum since drambo hosts auv3s


I know right. The amount of people who actually buy music hardware at all isn’t as massive as it feels like sometimes and that overlap with people who own iPads and use them for music makes the group smaller, then the people who end up actually finding and buying that specific app out of all the options makes it pretty niche. One of the first reviews of Drambo that shows on the App Store is a 2 star review bitching about having to pay for IAPs. Baffling

@Unifono yeah that’s what really sealed it for me. It’s insanely deep

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This person…


Kind of an aside, but I’ve just started a project to map the miRack modules into Drambo for easy access: miRack Processor Wrapper | Patchstorage

I definitely agree with just these two you can make most everything! Though I’d also add FabFilter Saturn to the pile because the distortion models are so good. And StreamByter just to do complex midi work.


Hey. I would like to high five you guys about what you write. Drambo is an absolutely fantastic app. Since I bought it as it came out, all my gear has been lying in boxes, and slowly I think I’ll be selling everything. Sometimes I try to get back into gear, but everything is so much more easy and fun in Drambo. I was so happy after the last update for Digitakt, but after a few sessions I came back to Drambo anyway. :smiley:

I plan to explore miRack some day but for now Drambo is enough for me. I almost don’t use any other apps, only Aum for recording Drambo jams. And maybe Borderlands sometimes.


If you mute the track you are working on before entering the step editing mode you can ‘add notes silently’.

What a great idea. I’m gonna make the MI modules into Drambo modules. Just need to figure out mapping it to macro knobs. If I make any worthwhile additions I will let you know

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Is there a consensus of the best midi controller fit for Drambo? I struggle with anything just being on a screen, so getting hardware involved to make things more tactile would really make me a lot more interested in diving deep into it.

There’s some good discussion about Drambo controllers here:

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Nice! I have only mapped Warps in miRackso far. In part thats because the (free) Spectrum AUv3 I think covers the rest of the MI modules. That being said, mapping those modules or the MI ones in miRack would make things even easier :slight_smile:

How do I map these knobs exactly? If you’ve got a minute