Drawing Manga

Here’s today’s effort. Took a couple of hours all told. Copied the outline and main parts, then added some finessing and variations myself. Feet and hands are the hardest part!


Not manga but I took part in inktober last year and it definitely improved my drawing over the month. Here is my best spread:

I should spend less time obsessing over synths and more time with a pen & paper :laughing:


Hey those are fantastic, especially the eagle

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Thanks! The eagle was about 2.5 hours of biro work, so not a quick sketch.

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I didn’t;t know about Inktober either so I’ll look out for that :+1:

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I kind of like how the scribbly (?) linework makes it look like the baby birds dont’t have a body from the neck down and are somehow part of the nest.
Nice work though, got any more?

It’s been around for quite a while but that was the first year I tried it.

Good fun and I’d recommend it to anyone at any skill level.

Quicker and easier than Jamuary!

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Thanks! The only other one to share is the Doberman from Radiohead’s Street Spirit video :rofl:

But this is a distraction from Manga! Let’s see some more of that…


Found this. Might be a fun exercise to draw manga.



Maybe I should try a manga cat. My book has some, plus lions, anthros, mecha and a vampire!
Here’s a snap of the outline for the next one, copied as usual

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You don’t have to make any distinction about “copying”.

It’s called reference., and it is so common that it doesn’t have to be mentioned.

Even if you put a piece of paper directly on top and followed the lines. That’s called tracing. And also wide- spread.

Drawing is drawing. By any means necessary.


Do some mecha next.


Deal on both points :+1:

Sorry for the slow reply @subduct! You can see my stuff here. :slight_smile: https://www.youtube.com/@shoontz/videos

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Here’s a couple of newer ones. Now I’m starting to improvise details on a base outline.
Also been practising hands.


Keep going! That second one of the detailed hand looks particularly good.

Hands are very hard to get right and can really distract from other elements when they’re even slightly off.

My humble suggestion is draw more of the page-filling hand (in different poses) then take an eraser and experiment with how much you can remove and still retain the same (or sufficient) sense of the hand. This will help when it’s a smaller element among many.

Lastly, if you don’t own one of those positional wooden hand models, I highly recommend one.

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Yes hands and feet are really hard to get right on a body I think, drawing them bigger is easier I find. That’s a great idea with the eraser. I’ll try that. I need to draw the hand again anyway as gave this one away to a friend :slight_smile:

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