Dreadbox Medusa

I don’t suppose there was an email address given or anything like that? I don’t have FB anymore.

I can’t find the post anymore sorry, but you could try hello @ polyend.com everything’s firmware related should be sent there they said

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Yeah I connected to polyend fb page and also joined the fb group - tried to ask a question about beta tester but the Admin didn’t post it there… and just sent an email too

Is it possible to chain presets? If not, how long does it take to load a preset?
My idea is to make a song by chaining differents presets.

My first production , only the Medusa (4 tracks) with fx.


c’est vraiment bien! Tu connect le medusa dans un ot?

Anyone found a decent bag for the Medusa? I have a feeling the EGB2 wouldn’t work for it, although it would be really classy.

Merci. Le medusa est juste branché à une carte son. J’ai enregistré 4 pistes l’une après l’autre et j’ai rajouté du delay et de la reverbe sur mon Daw.

Cool - j’utilise la Medusa et le OT depuis quelques semaines, et avec les pickup machines je compose des track du même genre!

My last video, all sound from the Medusa except the Fx.

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Very good!! :thup: Did you made the video too?

Thanks! The video is from Tom Fisk from Pexels.com.

My last abum, Medusa. All tracks were made with the Medusa.


Me again!
Just to follow up RE: velocity— is velocity tied to the amp envelope, or a separate volume parameter? I ask because I just had the thought that you could effect the cutoff with the amp envelope, which would in turn make it velocity sensitive in a roundabout way. Having a hard time letting this one go, it seems perfect for me except for this one thing!! :v:

I don’t know. I had a look at the manual for a few minutes but I’m brain dead after working all day. Maybe someone else will know. Apologies!

If I had to guess, I think it’s tied to the Amp env.

for real?


MEDUSA 4 is coming sooooon!!!


Gotta hold the 3 wave button + Envelop 1 + LFO 1 and voila :smiley:

v4.0 firmware has 3-op FM, program change, etc.
A gritty 6-voice 3-operator digital FM synth engine with a 12-bit colored classic vibe. It supports five digital FM Algorithms and an extra analog voice.


I love the FM synth - really nice sound. I wonder about the – Better “Channel per Voice” mode means. Pretty happy with the LFO sync to midi too, I was missing that last time I jamed