Dreadbox Nymphes

As per the Stimming ‘review’ he is selling his SH-01a for the Nymphes.

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Wonderful, thank you for this!

WOW! :star_struck:

very nice!!

Typhon and Nymphes. Hard to resist.
Sound, look, size. All perfect.
Besides the menus maybe

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Nice work, whoever did this nostalgic sounding piece


Yeah I wonder, by the end of the video it kind of seems he might of had a change of heart when he says he is puzzled and that it has a warm somehow boring sound… whatever that means :thinking:

Just came in today, this thing is amazing. Love the size, love the sounds. It’s very easy to work! I’m not sure what the fuss is, I watched the 10 min dreadbox tutorial and didn’t look at the manual. Absolutely love it.

I get stimming doing his review the way he did it, and at the same time had he watched the ten min tutorial I think he would’ve been sailing and wailing on this. It’s wonderful.


is it possible to get more “experimental” modulated sounds out of this like you can with the typhon? from all the videos i’ve watched it mostly seems like this is a “bread and butter” synth…

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Stimming do a review video while barely understanding the thing he’s reviewing…? never! :roll_eyes:


I suggested in the video comments that they rename the videos he makes from ‘reviews’ to ‘first impressions’ as really that’s what they are. There’s nothing wrong with that but it’s a little disingenuous to call it a review when you haven’t studied the manual and figured the features of a machine. I mean with something as complex as an Octatrack there’s wiggle room but this is a fairly simple synthesiser at its heart.

I digress. Do I want a Nymphes? Not really, not yet anyway. I don’t feel the need for a classic-sounding six voice poly but if I did this would be the one I think. I like the look of the layout and it sounds really nice.

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I’d love to see Dreadbox build a little keyboard into their boxes like Elektron does. One of the many things I love about the Analog Four is that you can sit on the couch and compose a whole song with just that unit.

yeah, something like the miniature keyboard on the Malekko Manther would be wonderful!


“Reverb would be nice if it was nicer”

“Yes , there are compromises with the UI”

Very diplomatic Mr Batt.


would have been a total hit, if they implemented the display of the typhon. I‘m sure one can get used to the menu very quickly…
Sounds absolutely beautiful though

Another quality review from Nick/SonicState.

If I was after a bread and butter synth, this is the one I would get.


The general sound in demos I heard so far, immediately speaks much more to me than demos of most polys in the 1k segment.
Much more so than the Take 5 for example. Could be the demos of course.
But these dreadbox synths always nail the basic sound for me