Dreadbox Typhon or Erebus v2, which one buy?

I was going to buy a Dreadbox Typhon, but a I have de opportunity to buy a secondhand Erebus v2 at the same price. In that situation, what do you advise me to buy?

Oscillator quality is similar (sounds huge and awesome) on both. Typhon has lots of fx, and many more options for modulation, but a screen/menus to achieve them on.

Erebus is pure knobs and patch points.

Which is the interface direction that suits you better? That’s the main question I guess.

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Well, I do like pure knobs and patch, but I’m also looking for a live setup so maybe is useful to have presets. So I’m in doubt.

I also don’t know if I’ll like de combined oscillator knob on the Typhoon. Even if I have to admit it sounds really good in the demos I’ve watched in Youtube.

Yes the combined osc knob is quirky. It opens its own dimensions for sound that are unique from other monos. But if you want traditional layout for osc control it will likely be a bit annoying.

Haven’t used the Erebus, but the Typhon is my favorite mono in many a year. The built-in effects are actually excellent. The sequencer kind of sucks to program, so I’d suggest having a midi controller.


Yes. The sequencer is not a issue for me. I was planning to sequence the Typhon with the Digitakt midi tracks.


that’s exactly what I did (cept I’m selling the 'takt). Works like a charm.

The fx/mod possibility combo makes the Typhon super deep. It can go many many places that other analog synths in that price range cant.


Two Typhons.


I own an Erebus v2, it’s one of the best sounding synths I’ve ever played with (I just really like Dreadbox synths :)). The layout is intuitive and I don’t miss the lack of preset memory at all, I can dial in desired sounds in no time on the Erebus — it’s architecture is simple enough for that.

Its patchbay is fun but somewhat rudimentary (eg no way to affect resonance etc). That’s relevant because the midi implementation on the Erebus is quite basic. You’ve got notes on/off, the modulation via mod wheel (without any patching it’s mapped to filter cutoff) and pitch bend — anything else needs to be done by hand on the device or via CV.

Also the v2 unit has a delay on it, which when engaged attenuates the volume a bit, at least that happens on my unit…I think quite a few people have encountered that behaviour on the v2. I’ll stop short of calling it an issue, because the device sounds so good and the master volume knob is right there to adjust on the fly, but it’s still there.

Re FX, I have a bunch of options on the Erebus’ channel’s insert and the aux sends of my mixer and I don’t miss anything. The FX on the Typhon should be really good though, so if you don’t have your own effects, this could be a factor.

I should add that I only play live & improvised, and my Erebus v2 (and Nyx v1) are essential tools for me — their UIs are super hands on and fast to dial in any desired sound (especially the Erebus) and the sound of both is unique and fantastic.

Hope this helps you to make an informed decision.


Ok guys. Thanks a lot for the considerations. I think I will get the Typhon. I’m just starting to make live sets and I think the presets will allow me to do faster transitions. Anyway I would love to give a chance to the Erebus one day. In the end it is a budget problem, I would like to have both.


Curious about the sonic differences between Erebus v2 and v3. Anyone have experience with both?

op after hearing them both, which one do you think sounds better than the other?

Hi, I got my Typhoon. It sounds great. Nevertheless, external sound processing stoped working after a while and I can’t fix it. Does somebody know what can it be done?

Erebus v2 sounds great. That it doesn’t receive midi velocity could be an issue for some. Personally I don’t really care for presets that much in a live setting. In my experience they aren’t going to be the advantage you would think. Oscillators that are always in tune on the other hand… definitely makes things a lot easier

I bring this thread back to life to ask:
280€ for a Dreadbox Erebus V2 is a good price? The unit is in pristine conditions.
I don’t have a price reference since it’s discontinued.


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Yes, that’s a good price. I paid a lot more than that when it was new, and the list price then was 529€.


Great price for a phenomenal synth! My Erebus is still my favourite despite having a room full of synthesizers, some manifold more expensive than the Erebus. Something about it that‘s so alive and full of attitude.