Dreadbox Typhon

Been sending sequencer key trigger request to Dreadbox for years - basically get a “thanks for the suggestion” response. And key trigger is pretty much a staple on most modern synths, as well as some classics, so you can be sure a lot of Typhon owners would love to have the feature. Korg nailed this feature on the Minilogue XD in a free firmware update - Dreadbox should take notice.

I’m genuinely curious…. Why wouldn’t many people would want this feature? It seems to be a simple and convenient way to arrange a preprogrammed sequence in the Typhon in a DAW. The simplest way I can think of, really. And pretty common.

How would you go about getting your sequences laid out in a track? Record it in chunks and arrange the audio? Or perhaps just bring it in on the fly in a DAWless jam using a mixer or something? I don’t really understand how having the sequencer run continuously when you hit “go” is helpful.

Everyone has their methods, I guess - just looking to learn why perhaps my expectations are unusual in some way.

I find the built in sequencer fiddly to use, so other than auditioning sounds when its not connected to anything, I have no use case for it. I’ll either sequence the Typhon from my DAW or DT.

It seems to be a simple and convenient way to arrange a preprogrammed sequence in the Typhon in a DAW. The simplest way I can think of, really. And pretty common.

This seems odd to me because in a DAW you can create a MIDI sequence and copy/paste/edit etc much more easily than on the Typhon. As you say: “Everyone has their methods”.

But if you use the Typhon’s sequencer, the note sequencer and mod sequencers work together in interesting ways, no? I haven’t really explored that aspect yet, so forgive me if I’m talking out of my behind… Obviously I need a bit more time to figure out the possibilities.

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4 decades of EDM producers just turned over in their grave and rolled their eyes at you. The ones that are alive did, too. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: :rofl:

No but seriously, I am totally for key trigger sequencer as a feature (see above), but also having the sequencer continually play when you run your transport is just one method of producing. People do it all of the time (hence why Dreadbox likely didn’t think key trigger was a necessary function for Typhon).

Let’s hope we can convince them to add the feature - I use it all of the time on my Minilogue XD. Sometimes even the factory sequences can be really inspiring, and being able to key trigger them when you want is awesome.


Haha - well, there you go. Admittedly I have a pretty old school approach - been messing about with synths and sequencers since the mid-90s, but just getting back into hardware these past couple of years after a long hiatus “in the box”.

Bottom line, I guess my thinking is simply that I want my sequences to start independently (in sync) when I tell them to, not via transport control.

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I’m with you there 100%, brother (or sister)! My setup is 100% DAW’less, so I don’t even want to rely on plugins or my DAW. Right now I can key trigger the sequencer of all of my hardware except for Typhon.

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But if you use the Typhon’s sequencer, the note sequencer and mod sequencers work together in interesting ways, no?

Right. Good point. I don’t use the step sequencer, but rather send CC messages to do similar things from the DT/DAW. I think the step sequencer is always re-triggered if you send a Midi note externally, but not by notes from the built in sequencer, which would give you your interesting interactions.

Yes, I think you’re right, it seems the step sequencer retriggers with every MIDI note press, which kind of wrecks the internal sequencing capabilities. It’s a shame, but like you say, there are workarounds, and it’s still a great sounding machine regardless.

Response from Dreadbox:

“Thank you for your email and I hope you are doing well!
This feature is not supported. The sequencer will start when play is pressed either internally from the play button either externally when set to external clock.
This feature is on the backlog for a feature update but I can’t say for sure when this will happen.”

So there’s hope, but I guess I won’t hold my breath, lol.


While it would be a nice feature, I’ve owned dozens of synths with sequencers over the years and not one of them has had this feature. Curious to know what gear you have that has key trigger?

Looking at my current gear, I don’t think any of the boutiques have this. The UNO Synth Pro doesn’t. I don’t think the Digitone has it. I’m pretty sure none of my TB clones can do it. Maybe it’s just a Korg thing?

LOL yeah that’s the same canned response I usually get. And no - don’t hold your breath. It took Dreadbox well over a year after they mentioned a similar response to introduce USB Class Compliant audio support (to address their design flaw that makes a USB ground hum loopback). And I seriously wonder how long they’ll continue to support Typhon, since they do have a habit of deprecating previous releases. But yeah, let’s hope! Lol!

Roland System 8 and Korg Minilogue XD as far as hardware. As far as software, virtually everyone I use (Reason Studios Thor, VSP Avenger, Dune 3, DS Thorn, etc).

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Speaking of the Typhon, I think a major oversight is that its missing a patch randomiser. I loved this feature on my old Waldorf Pulse - patch 99 was always random. So I built one:


Its an okay randomiser and a bad web editor. Like most of these randomisers, especially for a synth with a big modulation matrix, the sounds get very weird. But more usable than I expected. I find it helps me learn what is possible with the Typhon and creates good starting points for new sounds.

Here are some of the noises it makes, all just sounds coming direct from the Typhon with no additional effects:

^ I hope this is an embedded soundcloud link.

The last 4 mins-ish is just one patch that does a lot of work.


The Arturia Keystep and Microfreak do this as well. I guess anything that has a “programmable” arpeggiator will do it, so I would add the Bass Station II.


Bass Station 2, Korg Monologue, Korg Minilogue XD, Arturia MiniFreak all have this functionality of the synths I currently or recently owned.


Dude - THAT’S AWESOME!!! Thanks for sharing this, man! And yeah, the Soundcloud embed worked fine.


Haha - nice, that gets pretty bonkers… loads of parameters to randomize in there, for sure.

Every synth should have a patch randomiser, and yes, big up Waldorf for always including this feature. I use it often on my Micro Q/Microwave XT/Pulse 2.

Thanks for this. Judging from the sound clips, the results sound expectedly and deliciously wacky, will try it out ASAP.

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Nothing bad here — it’s a great asset & thanks for making it public. Reminds me to send another email to Dreadbox to bother them about the missing CC out from the Typhon. It would allow for visual feedback for any type of editor, randomizer, and the like.

I know it’s on their todo list, but clearly, they had a trillion of other things in the pipeline . . .

Edit: Email to Dreadbox = sent

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The best patch randomizer I know is Hydrasynth, with % of randomization per module, or module only randomization, mod matrix only…

And it can randomized CCs to Typhon or else !

Zoia can make a great randomizer too.