Dreadbox Typhon

Running danger to state the obvious:

USB cables can be quite finicky. Did you try with some other cables? Sometimes that does the trick.

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Yes I did. But all didn’t work with my studio pc. Only with my laptop, so it seems something wrong inside windows?

Most likely not Windows, but your Studio PC’s USB-ports (Typhon is really picky on this). Try different ports and do NOT connect it to any kind of a USB-hub, when updating firmware or presets, as that in my experience is the recipe for disaster. If ALL the USB-ports has a same result, then go check the settings from Power Management as well as from Device Manager that there is no odd power saving modes turned on for the USB ports. Usually when dealing with audio it is a really good practice to turn off any USB power saving options and disable the ability for the Windows to turn off USB communication, if the computer is idle (this part can be done via Device Manager).


Thanks. Will try that!

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Thanks! Disabling the power management feature did the trick!


Nice to hear you got it solved! :+1:

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A bit out of topic, but your advice about power saving mode helped to get rid of some hiss sound on my Electribe 2. Thanks a lot :slight_smile:

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Yeah, it’s kinda stupid setting to be on as a default, especially for musicians. A lot of the problems people have with audio interfaces also are related to that same setting, as also those devices need to have the communication open even if there would be no active data moving, as usually the drivers need that. So, if anyone’s audio interface has drivers dropping out problems, that is often the culprit (and the way I stumbled upon this same thing as well two years ago). But nice to hear this solved also your problem :slight_smile:

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Is possible to somehow get the Limited’s “LAST BANK HAS 64 NEW GLOOMY SOUNDS“ stuff and load into the regular Typhon?

It already comes stock with the regular Typhon. Has for years.

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Just got my Typhon last week and finally had some time to mess about with it a little - sounds amazing. One thing I’m curious about… is it possible to trigger the (note) sequencer with a midi note on your controller keyboard without having the note sequencer running continuously? Right now I can hit play on the Typhon’s sequencer and transpose the sequence no problem. But I want to be able to start and stop (retrigger) the sequencer with MIDI notes. This is pretty standard on a lot of synths, including my BS2, MiniFreak and on the Monologue and Minilogue synths I recently got rid of.

Sequencer start require a Start message afaik. Possible to cheat with a midi processor, otherwise I don’t know.

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If those other synths are easy to setup perhaps they could send the midi note data to the typhon so you get what you want ?

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No, currently… after FOUR firmware releases… there is still NO key trigger feature for the sequencer. It’s maddening. :frowning:


Ah, OK. Thought I might be being dumb and just not seeing the correct option. Seems like a pretty huge omission - bit of a workflow killer for me. Oh well - here’s hoping they update that.

There are midi solutions as I said above. If you’re interested, I can test it.


Did you write Dreadbox to suggest this feature?

Tbh, I don’t think that many people are missing this…

Anyway, Dreadbox had an updated planned for last summer, but it was postponed to somewhere in 2023. So maybe you’re in luck with the next update?


I did write to them last night about it. I mean, I can work around it, I just have a preference for “sequencing my sequences” by playing midi notes into my DAW. Not a deal breaker, would be nice to have, though.

Sure, I’d be curious to know what your ideas are. Maybe there’s a way to send start/stop messages to the sequencer? I haven’t fully gone through the MIDI implementation info in the manual as yet.

That’s an interesting suggestion, will look into that.