Dreadbox Typhon

Well, I have a DSI Mopho and was still wondering whether a Typhon would be a great extra… or maybe just too much overlap. I sequence with DT and I already have plenty of external effects. So could it be a GAS attack ? :slight_smile:

I think vs a mopho, it’s very subjective if its something you need or not.

The wave folder and hard clip distortions are pretty gnarly on the Typhon and yet the dry/wet makes all the FX1 distortions highly tweakable for more subtle results.
Plus, if you enjoy the experience of using internal sequencers in a stand alone box, just you + the synth on a sofa… coming up with interesting, otherwise different results, the Typhon is a good buy.

As an A4 owner, I worried that I didn’t need a Typhon, but thanks to all the modulators being able to send to 13 destinations (with more to come) at the same time, it turns out I can do things with the Typhon that my A4 can’t (and vice versa, to be fair).
The sliders add a playable fun factor as well.

It also has an instant gratification factor of being incredibly difficult to make it sound bad (honestly, I still haven’t found a way to make it sound not-good. Not having used a Mopho for the last 10 years, I can’t remember if the Mopho also had this quality.


I think I might give it a go… :slight_smile: I think at this price, it can’t go really wrong. The FX alone might already be worth it tbh. And this instant gratification thing, along with the small form factor are both appealing to me aswell.


Yea, I’ve enjoyed keeping a 6700mah battery pack velcro’d to the side of mine so that I can make a quick pattern with it, anywhere in the house, whenever I get the itch.
If I have a hook in my head, I can program it in relatively quick (or bumble my way into an accidental version of it that sounds better), and then just put drums to it at a later date when I have a larger block of time to work on a tune.

This has made sitting down to work on music much more fun, as I’ve already got things waiting for me. Like showing up to practice with the band and the bass player has this great new riff they want to share. :slight_smile:


I was waiting for these to become available and I found in stock at guitar center of all places.

The Typhon is definitely a keeper.
The way they implemented the osc switching is awesome. Lots of modulation and it just sounds great!

My first Dreadbox. I Love the way the raw oscillators sound. May have to get another Dreadbox in the future.

Fx are lovely.


I’ve done my atonal best to do so and have thoroughly failed at every turn, though the FM osc settings can get quite disturbing on occasion.

just crank the verb and you have Dante’s Padferno.
But yea, it’s real difficult to make it objectively bad. You have to try to get there, rather than try to avoid it.

LFO or ModSeq set to CV2 ±0.1, 0.2 in FM mode is lovely through the wave fold dist.


Always a fun place to be.

Will have to try that - not really explored the wavefolder properly as yet.

wow, the demo unit arrived this afternoon, looked fine, no issues. after only spending maybe 5 minutes with it, i totally see what you’re all saying about this box, and i haven’t even scratched the surface. i didn’t expect it to sound so lush and smooth for pads, yet it definitely is.


I want to buy a Typhon, I like the sound, but I want to know how is its build quality and durability?

Looks to be pretty solid. I’ve a few Dreadbox things and they’re all built to last.

it seems pretty solid. the sliders and selector knob are a little light compared with the larger knobs, but they seem fine. just don’t smash the box around too much. i’d liked to have seen an elektron style push encoder in place of the little plastic one on the typhon, though.

Knob feel is ultra smooth and solid.
Sliders as good as the best euro sliders (perhaps same parts?)

I am starting to rub a little paint off around main encoder and cutoff knob, lazily dragging my other fingers on it whilst getting heavily amongst it.
And now that I am conscious of it, I’ll stop.

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I made a little slow evolving arpeggiated patch from scratch with the Keystep in the forest the other day. Mobility ftw. The jumping values when switching layers is something I would like being improved on in the future.

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I’ve considered this.

I don’t use a lot of noise, but in looking into possible noise sources I also found myself hopeful that (yet) another Update we may get from Dreadbox is the sequencer sending MIDI output.

I’d love to stack a digital OSC or two at a higher octave for more complex sounds.

This led me to the (also battery powered) Meeblip Geode. It has noise in its various waveform types. Running it through the Typhon filter should be fun, and I’d also get independent glide on the Geode’s digital OSCs.
Super knobby and I think it’s make a good buddy.

I’m still on the fence, but considering it.


I had the Anode and it’s great. Really rude sounding filter.


I had the Triode.
That stomp box filter is gnarly indeed.

I’m warming up to the idea of independent glide and filter LFO on 2 of 4 OSCs in a single monophonic voice.

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I’m a dummy.
The Typhon sequencer already can send MIDI out. You only have to set the channel in settings.

Well that’s nice!

Just waiting on that MIDI clock sync update now.

Also, using my A4 to test the concept. Forgot Meeblip can’t really transpose up a bunch of octaves, and that’s proving to be where the fun on the Typhon is.


Okay, did this for science:

Typhon is sequencing itself and the Analog Four. A4 goes into Typhon’s filter/fx.

First 30 seconds is Typhon only. Then i turn up the A4, which is going through the Typhon filter+fx . Also, A4 is running in 4 voice unison with a little bit of glide/slide, with a touch of its own internal reverb as well.

After i made this, I learned a trick with velocity in the sequencer that allows it to only trigger certain external notes. Since Velocity is a mod source and the Typhon will play notes out of its own sequencer set to 0 VEL, anything above 0 VEL will trigger external MIDI notes. Real nifty for little unison accents.


wow do you know which store? I bought one last week and then I got a notice it was out of stock :frowning: