Dreadbox Typhon

I’ve also been doing a lot of 40bpm scapes with it. :smiley:


I am currently building my own midi lfo that can modulate (currently) up to 16 CC values via MIDI, but that won’t fix drifting delays ,)

Damn, I really hoped they fix that device before my birthday so I can buy me one as a present.

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haven’t messed with it much yet, but the interface changes look nice. as soon as this meeting is over, i’ll get to listen to the new effects. the midi stuff is a little disappointing, but considering how affordable this thing is, i can’t be too sad about it. they seem committed to fixing things, which is encouraging. oh, and exporting/importing seemed to work fine. will confirm in a bit.

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I think my “In the meantime”workflow is going to still include sofa jams for pattern creation.

And then do some midi sync’d low bpm (like 60) playback of the internal midi sequencer, recorded into the OT’s midi sequencer (or Live). For stability’s sake.

That way I can still do initial creation on the box itself, standalone, but actually get work done without drift headaches. And once the issues are sorted, the original internal sequences will be in tact, waiting.


I’m pretty excited about the update. Can’t wait to get home and check it out!

I’m a bit dissappointed about the MIDI issues but I’ve been sequencing it with my digitakt anyway.

This synth just sounds so good !!!


The FX updates have far exceeded my expectations. (kinda makes the midi stuff a bit of a bummer, but we press on)

I particularly love the new small reverb, great plate sound. Very Valhalla. Aside from the surprise that I already mentioned about having the new HPF on FX1 as an ADDITION (and not what I expected, which was just another FX1 option), using the new and separate L and R pitch shifters in FX2 to make alien organ harmonies is addictive.

Feed those into the FX3 cloud verb and you can get a unique flavor of shimmer working quickly.

update, this workflow isn’t half bad:

Just remember for the OT you gotta have Typhon sending out on the midi Auto channel (11 by default)


Thanks for doing the digging to get them to understand the problem properly!


I had some time to play with the new FXs, they sounds great and i mean really great !
Just has an effect device its worth it IMO.
Midi latency seems gone, that was a deal breaker for me.
Midi sync … yep too bad but i hope they fix it in a future update.


the new effects are very nice. i notice some lag when using the sliders now, but maybe that’s the new catch behavior. so far, so good! fixing the midi sync issues will be most welcome.

Less worried now after this clarification:

So they need to fine tune how much time the internal clock is taking to interpret and measure the external clock.

Phew, okay. That 20% chance I was afraid I might have sell this thing has now decreased considerably. :sweat_smile:


MIDI clock works in the way, that the master send a „tick“ 96 times per bar or 24 times per beat. If you have something synced to the midi clock that gets updated/calculated faster than this 96th notes, you need to sync those step between the clock ticks yourself. If you ever added an external source to an Elektron device You have Noticed small changes to the bpm displayed on the screen. Most MIDI Clocks are not perfectly stable, because of how processors work and the running code on them.
Now if the slave has to guess the steps between the clock ticks and might drift away from the original clock for a period of times. Dependent on what you do, this time can be within smaller amounts then 96th notes or way more.
That this is not always an easy task to fix shows the problems with Waldorf and their Blofeld, Their weird clicks when using Beat Synced LFOs and Delays are based on them resetting stuff regularly to match the incoming clock.
I really hope dreadbox implementation handles this better then Waldorf :slight_smile:


Oh! I thought it was once per bar, or twice in the case of Korg Volcas/Minilogue. But I might confuse CV sync and thus MIDI ticks…

96 per bar seems way too much!
24 per quarter note in such an old specification is quite astonishing.

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Never worked with 1 tick per bar stuff, but only did MIDI until now so that might be the sync-stuff that hardware comes with :wink:
All my clock based features in my own Midi Helper Implementation base on that 96th grid and I am quite happy with that many ticks, to have quite smooth (as smooth as 127 cc values can get) LFO changes via MIDI. Both Arps and MIDI Delays work on a little Slower Scale, but 96th can be nice for very fast delay Hits etc.
As I plan to build a step sequencer within it to make custom arps, getting triggered every 96th steps helps with nudging notes away from the 16th grid.
At the end, I hope I don‘t have to do any custom interpolation between ticks because of those 96 per bar, so I am quite happy with that many ,)


Yeah, it confused me so much when I plugged MIDI into my MIDI to CV interface for the first time, I got those super fast gates on the clock output and I learned from the manual that I had to divide the output by 24 to get a proper clock. It felt outlandish.

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In fact, I had been following that discussion, so perhaps I misunderstood you here:

Perhaps you’re saying that external MIDI sequencing is now better with FW 2.0 but not fixed entirely.

No. The receiving of external MIDI sequencing is better with FW 2.0 and is fixed entirely, considering the only issue with it was a noticeable amount of latency.

Here is what they fixed:
MIDI note latency - i.e. there used to be a 15ms delay between sending notes from a different, external MIDI sequencer (Ableton, Octatrack, Pyramid, etc.) and the time you hear the synth play that note. This issue has been entirely resolved.

Here is what they added:
MIDI Clock synchronization and start/stop aka transport.

Here is the problem:
The tempo drifts when using ANY of the features that rely on the new MIDI Clock sync and/or transport functionality.
This includes use of the INTERNAL sequencer.
This includes use of clock synchronized FX
This includes use of clock synchronized LFOs.

Additionally. The internal clock drifts. This was the case before 2.0 and is still the case with 2.0

You said “ Clock drift from external sources has been fixed in the new firmware.
And this is not the case. It has not been fixed.

For further clarification, if required, read all comments and replies to comments in this thread at the Typhon FB group page. , and do not be fooled by the post title “MIDI SYNC WORKS” because it does not.


Great new FX! my FX pedals will suffer…

thanks for so detailed post.
you literally saved me time & money.


Wow, it’s said to be arriving within 2 months+ on Thomann and other sellers.
Would be cool if it arrives for Christmas, Santa Dreadbox.


If it is a matter of pre-ordering, I’d keep a pre-order in, as the chances are high that these bugs and issues will be resolved by the time you receive your unit.

The synth is still quite usable in many many ways, and will only become more usable once these issues have been remedied.

Dreadbox are well aware of the issue and have already been working to get this fixed ASAP.