Dreadbox Typhon

I’m not a pre order type of person generally. I’m usually just an appreciator of boutique type units as well. This will fit neatly into my current set up like a missing puzzle piece.


My mouth is watering :drooling_face:
I recently acquired a jomox tres2 and wish I waited.

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Last year I sold some things and pared down to just a Digitone (and Ableton). I don’t normally pre order anything, but just placed an order for this after hearing some of the videos on it! Hopefully they make a nice pair.


OK, understandable. But it says it has fully Midi Implementation and CC. So If you use an OT, DN,DT,Mnm to sequence, you can have it all plockable. So my educated guess would be that the internal Sequencer can do it too.

3 Modulators with 4 Different Modes
(LFO, EG, Random, Parameter Step Sequencer)
and Multiple Active Targets

But then there is also this:

According to Dreadbox, they plan to release an editor for the Typhon.

Watch closeley, the analog Buttons values are not shown:

Hope this helps a Bit to clearify.

Thomann is more precise:

3 Modulatoren mit 4 verschiedenen Modi (LFO, EG, Random, Parameter Step-Sequenzer) und 14 Destinations


geez seems like DT’s best friend

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For sure they learned a lot about other companys products and from their own modular stuff. I like that!

I wonder and hope for the osc 1/2 Mix relation to be controllable.

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I’m curious to know if the analogue values are saved too. Seems its just the fx and modulation settings for presets. Tempting price

Interface design would allow for more pages to the right but did not see that in the vids.
Also it must show more pages because of the EG maybe also more analog parameters.
I hope it will save all parameters to the preset.

14 Destinations isn’t much for what it has but it will probably be the best ones.

CDM notes that the EG are ADSR envelope.

Anyone found what wave shapes the LFO’s support?

Here the specs again:

Two analog oscillators with continuous waveform shaping.
• Trademark Dreadbox analog 4-pole low-pass filter with FM via third auxiliary oscillator.
• Two dedicated ADSR envelopes for filter and amplifier.
• Three additional modulators with multiple simultaneous targets: each can be set to ADSR envelope, multi-waveform LFO, sample & hold, and 32-step sequencer.
• Three digital effects units with high-end 96 kHz 32 bit AD/DA, featuring a total of 12 different algorithms (distortion, decimator, chorus, flanger, delay, reverb – and more).
• Note sequencer with 32 steps and adjustable trigger probability.
• 256 preset memories (note sequence stored per each preset).
• USB powered.

Probability… Random modifier . Generative Patches?.:yum:

In the Limp Bic Video, he presses the Filter EG/Amp EG Button, and you can see that there can the ASDR settings be changed. It seems to have more pages too.

I am curious about the sequencer settings. Probabily Not finished when they Shot the videos.

The whole thing reminds me of the Buchla Music Easel. Kinda.


The manual will be up on the website in a couple of days according to Dimitra (just got a reply on email).


Sound is very Moog-like

Panic averted :wink:

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yeah, this is the biggest don’t-need in recent memory, but at the price I figure I’m losing money if I don’t buy it. So now I can’t get the pre-order link to work at Dreadbox’s web site. I’ve tried a couple of browsers on my Mac, but in that page with the list of countries, none of the countries expands, so there’s no further step to take to place the order. What am I missing?

EDIT: ok, I’ve pre-ordered it by finding it at a vendor’s web site, not at Dreadbox’s.

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Our minds do weird things to convince ourselves something is a good, necessary idea :wink:


Inception. Leonardo DiCaprio works for Dreadbox.

I’m convinced that your idea is neither good nor necessary, but weird.

I think that s an applicable motto for life in general.


Mind blown. I have the LP in my record collection and I had to go and check. Whoa, it’s true!


I’m feeling a bit late to the party on this one… but add me to the growing list of folk who are impressed/intrigued by it. There is such stiff competition these days so whether it makes the cut by the next time I find myself in a synth-buying situation remains to be seen.

Does seem weird to have an announcement for something new without an accompanying Loopop video… I know tha Sonicstate alluded to a review forthcoming but it seems they’re still playing catch-up with Arturia plugin bundles from 6 months ago but hopefully not too long before we get a more detailed walk-through.


3 Modulatoren mit 4 verschiedenen Modi (LFO, EG, Random, Parameter Step-Sequenzer) und 14 Destinations

I never knew I could read German.