Drone ambient

Hello, im getting hungry by the rytm, i want to make some minimal acid and punk drums also, but im intersted in knowing if Ill be Able to make with it some dronish fractal noisy evolving ambient music that i really dig to then play and mix it with some acid línes and some drums… I reAlly like that sound of unhabitable landscapes and would like to turn my set into a mistic psychedelic trip, If i get the rytm is going to be my first Analog drum machine but ive heard that i can make more than drums, also Will cover a few synth duties playing with one of my volcas keys or bass through electribe audio in. But idk maybe once i get it If i get it i can delete all drums samples from electribe to free space and sample mistic sounds to then playback with rytm . Im trying to figure something out

Of course you can make drone/ambient with it…check out YouTube, there’s tons of videos with some great textures. I can’t wait to get my hands on this.