Drum Kit Presets

New Electron owner here. I’m sure this has been posted at some point. But, as a new user, it would be wonderful if there were drum kit presets. You can currently browse/filter sounds by type (dark, glitch, sfx, etc.) It would be great if there were preset kits that you could quickly browse and load. A glitch kit, 80s kit, hip hop kit, trap kit, techno kit, etc.) We could still dial in our sounds and replace tracks as needed if we didn’t like a preset sound, but it would serve as a quick starting point and would may save time having to load each individual sound per track. Also, sometimes, you just want to load up a kit and get off to sequencing. Just a thought. :slight_smile:

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This would be a great feature. Even the model cycles has a system for this that’s better than the ST or DT where you can load a folder of 6 sounds into a pattern all at once.

A little workaround in the meantime that I think some people do, is to start a new project and then spend some time creating “kits” in one of the banks. Make a different kit for each pattern in bank H for example, since it’s last, so you have 16 kits. Copy this project a few times and make it your default, then when you start on a blank pattern you can copy any of the “kit patterns” into pattern A1 and go from there.


That’s a feature-request@elektron.se!
I would enjoy it too.
There is also a workaround to change the kit of an existing pattern : save your current pattern, paste another pattern with the kit you like, reload original Sequence Data.


That would be awesome :clap: