Drum n' Bass Battle #1 (Get Animated) [Submissions CLOSED!]

Got 1 almost ready and 4 more started. Found a very good soundtrack. very very good for me to sample from. Gonna do something boymerang tonight.


Was gonna say I love a bit of boymerang but that’s wrong on a lot of levels, but his remix of Goldie’s digital is on another level… I’m aiming for a total science vibe myself…

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Cool theme! What about copyright if we sample? Maybe easier to replicate then

Don’t worry about sample clearance etc. this is just for fun, have at it, if you were realeasing it professionally then that would be a different matter…:metal:


Let’s see what happens.

I can’t help going dark and twisted at this time of the year.
I’ll probably end up somewhere in the Source Direct meets No U-Turn corner.


Just heard this in another thread, and I see that they are not participating here. Maybe alert them?


Thanks for the alert @MichalHo, got a fairly busy few weeks ahead of me visiting family but if I can squeeze in some M8 time I’m in :sunglasses:


Thanks for spreading the gospel.

I may sound like a noob, but I loved the track.

Were those snare rolls? Or just flams, sequenced back to back?

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Thanks a lot! :smiley: It’s a combination of breaks with rolls in them and retriggers.

Here are the samples for that phrase

Instrument 00 is the kick and Instrument 01 is the snare. Although the M8 can slice breaks, I typically keep them chopped up and ready to go in my sample library. You can see the retriggers on rows B and C. (PLY01 on rows 2 and 5 is just reversing the play direction to fill out the rhythm). This break is layered with another and then there’s the famous Soul Pride break in the alt section

The M8 makes it trivially easy to program in loads of retriggers like this, here’s a clip from something I’m working on with slices going massively over the top with RET programming


Looking forward to the DnBeat battle! It will be fun to go back to my roots 25 years ago and not write 4x4 for a bit :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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Even if you do want to release it, sample clearance is pretty much a non-issue unless you’re making actual money from it.

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Like a ping pong almost?

It’s so easy to get trapped in 4x4 for me when I sequence.

I’m using this challenge to take a stab at cutting up breaks

I may try another where I program in an amen and try sequencing it in a chopped way.

Im still in the first year production so Im just happy to host without trying to win it really. I was almost going to call it a showcase instead of battle, but I wanted the assassins to come out with the swords out.

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Exactly, the gaps in the break are jarring otherwise

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Well I’m making something on the Tracker.

My kids had a great idea for an animation to sample and it’s worked really well.

I have no idea about DnB so it’s going to be pretty amateurish, but it’s something I’ve never tried before so it’s going to be a fun experience to learn about.


I’m excited to hear what you come up with.

I was hitting that problem too. I tried a bunch of suggestions to even out the gaps.

Ping pong
Changing the BPM.
And even laying a pad underneath which can have an unintended side chaining effect.

In the end, the beat was just shit.

I’m now going to make sure I chop in equal increments and only pattern in 4 bar sections so the beat doesn’t get away from me.

This is just my workflow I fussing about, your shit sounds way more dialed in.


Thanks for the kind words! I totally feel your pain though, got plenty of tracks where I listen back and think “damn I’ve wrecked the break again”.

I tend to program in 8 bar sequences but often the second four bars will be variation on the first.

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