Drum n' Bass Battle #1 (Get Animated) [Submissions CLOSED!]

Download this pack: https://rekkerd.org/junglejungle-1989-1999-samplepack-by-blu-mar-tensounds-of-early-drum-bass/

Make a collage out of it with a cartoon sample thrown in. Job done. It’ll be loads of fun too.

I used to have that pack loaded on my Digitakt and it was always instantly fun.


Good idea! I found this pack by Stranjah as well!


@BLKrbbt @Symian @TRAINTRACS thx for your words. I usually take at least 30 hours to create a DnB track and try to make it as perfect as I can and want.
Your words help me to tell myself “fuck it, let it roll”.
I have very few time to spend but I’ll do my best :slight_smile:


Honestly I’m usually way over 30h on a dnb track that I really care about. This time I think it was more like 5-6h over the course of a week, and a used lots of loops and samples to speed things up. Just have fun and don’t sweat the details! This is not an exercise in perfection. It’s a nice break from that!


Spend an hour if you like… and even if it doesn’t meet your standards, think about the next beat how it will be, after already getting the first one out. It will be way easier, and you wont need as much time…

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That’s the junglist spirit right there… show that beat who’s boss👊

“nice break” I see what you did there :grin: it’s all about the breaks :muscle:


Amen, brother.


Holy shit. Puns.

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@BLKrbbt not sure if you already DL’d my track, but I got a few extra hours and ended up re-upping a new version w/mild tweaks. I wish I had a pun to add

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I can redownlad as many times as you need. Just PM me when you want me to pull the trigger, and let me know if its the same link.

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Same link and it’s good to go!

Just sent over my submission, was a tonne of fun putting it together! Looking forward to hearing what everyone came up with :+1:

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I just saw this thread today and it looks like fun! I see lots of people already finished… If I make something next week and submit before the deadline, it still counts, right?

Also, we can mix sounds from different animations, right? I can’t decide between a few

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Glad you’re finally here!

I’ll take anything before the deadline, and you can go off.

Just pm me the track via file sharing and make sure I have access!

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Been having great fun working on this. Really enjoyed the focus on animation samples and the limitations that brings. I find it stimulates creativity.

I think I’ve got all my patterns lined up. Just a few touches to go and then a live recording…

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Can’t wait!

For anyone struggling/ needing a little track creation inspiration


Fuck yea.

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