Drum n' Bass Battle #6 (CALL YOUR SHOTS!) - [Deadline JUNE 21st!]



To enter you have to submit a track you think you are going to pull your samples from!

This one I want to take some cues from the recent challenges, but more from a listeners point of view… hear me out!!!

Post a track you may pull your samples from, in the thread.

Now here’s the trick!

Keep checking back and listening to other tracks… the track you sample from doesn’t have to be the one you posted… just from the thread.

Or it can be your track if you like…

You can submit multiple sketches from different tracks if you want…

Its wide open, as usual.

My listening focused experiment is this… once the playlist is up, and its anonymous and all mysterious… the listener can hunt the sample, and try to figure out how it was used… and was it the original poster or not? Did the original poster find something else that inspired them and moved on?

When you vote you can post guesses if you want to call a shot as a listener as well!

Then the reveal will be more fun as we see if we can get a couple “I told you so’s…” out of this… free ego pump!

(let it go to your head)!

The deadline is June 21st.


Just send me the track through a file sharing service. Like One Drive , Google Drive, Drop Box.

Private message me the link with access granted.

I’ll make a playlist on SoundCloud and it will be anonymously voted by everyone.

Once I have all the votes from those who submitted tracks, I reveal the winners, and then I go back over the playlist and reveal who’s who and track names.

You can submit as many tracks as you like. Even if you want to share the rough cuts.

I’ll post on June 21st, all the submissions I received.

Just get the track to me and I’ll take care of the rest.

Ask me any questions, I’ll help out the best I can!



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Here is another secret… just between us, down here!

It doesn’t even have to come from the list… if you want it to be a surprise, or if inspiration hit and you just didn’t want to deal with it…

submit whatever you want… I’m down.

Also, there is only one deadline… you can come and go as you please… whatever I got goes up! No pressure!


Ah. Wonderful challenge.


Nice idea @BLKrbbt

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I want to try adding more vocals to my tracks and saw @seven7hwave’s thread on the subject where, amongst other options, someone mentioned sampling TED lectures…genius.
So I’ve picked one about happiness…with a lovely Swedish female voice that I can work with…have at it everyone!


Great idea for a challenge… here’s the track I’ll submit…


Hmmmm first thought was Black Magic Woman by Fleetwood Mac.

Some nice guitar textures and screeches in there, a vocal snippet or two, and maybe that bass could be reworked into a sub/808 monster…


Here’s mine.


Inspired by @KingDuppy’s upright bass usage last round, here’s my choice:


I’d have to look up the original files, but I think the long sustained upright notes in my track last challenge were taken from City of Motors.


Damn. I was pretty set on using my own selection but I gotta peep all of these for sure before I pick.

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Might have posted this before but anyway: Paradox is such an inspiration to me. And the psycho does his shit true oldschool with amiga and racksamplers if I understand it right. Check out his soundcloud and his often monthly radioshow for the best of new dnb and british funk. And Ive done a total fucking belter today.


Ok, here’s mine… I’ve been listening to this a lot recently and so it’s that simple.