Drum n' Bass Battle is cancelled. Thank you to all that submitted. Will resume after midterms

Big up all submitters here, great stuff!

Just one thing about votes: I may be stupid, but don’t understand if a vote like “track 1” or “1” refers to first track in the playlist (in this example, BLKrbbt’s intro), or refers to the track called “Scene 1” (which means track in second position).
Maybe it should be better to refer to tracks by their scene number.
Am I the only one disturbed here? :smiley:

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It should be the scene number as the intro track isn’t eligible for votes.


Yeah. That one of the limitations of using SoundCloud. I’m kinda tied with bro their formatting.

Lets assume everything is counted by scene number.

And the intro is just a fun way to start the ride!


Ok, these tracks felt good today:

  1. 15
  2. 14
  3. 13

The rest: good stuff


There was some great listening in this batch and really hard to tease out a top three. I was hoping the Cinema Noir theme would dish up some classic ‘shower scene at the Bates Motel’ moments but the noir was a bit lacking.

So my top three:
Scene #1 - Great diversity in the tune with some nice edgy noir elements and (I think) samples from Halloween…sweet drum section with the swing in the middle.
Scene #9 - Rock solid DNB with some nice noir breaks and what I felt was a bass style with a bit of a reggae vibe hidden under the drums. Track had some good atmospheric sections and what I think were samples from the Maltese Falcon.
Scene #16 - By far my favourite track of the playlist but lacking any noir vibe (for me anyway…sorry, that bumped you down to third place on my list). A pro mix, great composition wonderful arp and overall a pumping drive.

Honourable Mentions:
Scene #11, loved the chip-tuney approach,
Scene #12, you achieved the space in your excellent track that I am sadly missing…I’m going to dissect how you composed that track and learn from it. Sounded like a remix of a slow Ageispolis/Aphex Twin!
Scene #6, you had thunder and lightening in there which was a tick in the box and a great drum groove…reminded me a lot of a tune I liked in one of the previous battles.

Top work everyone…


I probably caused some confusion there too, by not using the scene format, I’ll amend my post to make it fit… :blush::+1:


I appreciate the attention to detail!

I’m assuming everyone is picking scenes.

Thanks all!

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Really cool submissions guys! I’ll cast my vote soon.


Another great evening of decaf and Drum n’ Bass listening. Loved the variety of the playlist again.

  1. Scene #2 - Enjoyed the ambience of background vocals and the space letting the track breath. A good reminder I shouldn’t try to fill the full spectrum in my own D&B tracks.
  2. Scene #9 - “That’s the sounds dreams are made of” drop @2:16 was great and stood out (in a good way) sonically in my headphones. Strong Haujobb vibes on this one for me and I’m a fan.
  3. Scene #3 - Solid track evolution. Really like the section from about 2:12-2:40 and the bass/synth balance.

Honorable mentions:

  • BLKrbbt’s Intro - Great buildup to the intro break and way to kick this rounds playlist off.
  • scene# 1 - Halloween theme and Amen Break. Yes please.

Thank you!



  1. Scene 16 - irresistible bounce! Piano-ish tones seem very on-theme. That tearing bass is a ripper! Really develops into a monster track.

  2. Scene 2 - well produced, manages drones sounds well. In with the theme without being over the top. I like the deep sound.

  3. Scene 4 - on theme. Love that early percussion. Perhaps gets a bit too dense at some points but maybe that works.

HM: the intro is so good, scenes 6, 13, 15, 17


great submissions all, very hard to vote on but ill give it a go:
vote 1: scene #9, sounds very polished, the bass and drums are very well produced and programmed
vote 2: scene #7, the lead sound design really hooked me in, reminds me of tipper’s productions
vote 3: scene #12, i didnt know aphex twin was going to make a submission :laughing:


I’m sorry everybody.

I am done hosting these battles. There was controversy on the new thread, and now its just not fun for me anymore.

I am taking down the playlist.

Feel free to post your tracks here and reveal your productions.

It was fun while it lasted.

Thank you all.


Ah nuts, thats a damn shame.

I totally understand your choice to distance yourself from the negativity. Thank you for hosting the battles so far, i appreciate the work it takes to do this and the time and effort to communicate with the participants in thread and directly.


Give it a time out - see how you feel in a few days mate :v: Don’t let one person spoil it for everyone


No… its now the blind voting is coming into question, which is the only reason it makes it a battle.

Without blind voting, no battle.

And why make this format at all?

Might as well just post tracks in “Sounds coming from your gear” or “Your tracks”.

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It’s a damn shame some people can’t have other people have fun. In any case my track was #12.

Those Aphex Twin comparisons really confused me until I went and listened to the song that was mentioned and now I get it! The pad chords are pretty much the same and the soundscape feels eerily similar. Funnily enough I don’t think I’ve actually heard the Afx song more than once decades ago, so definitely not intentional homage, but mind works in mysterious ways.

Some data:

  • Pad + Bass = Rev2
  • The melody + some drum bits = Pigments
  • Drums mostly some 808 & 909 samples
  • Drenched in distortion / reverbs etc
  • Dialogue samples from Donnie Darko

I won’t re-post the track as I plan to release the full version later this year sans any problematic sampled bits.


Bad times, I gutted for you and the rest of the regular contributors, such a shame that one bad apple can bring us all down like this… I understand your reasons though @BLKrbbt, and would just like to say thanks for all the work you put in…

I was scene 15 btw, thanks for all the votes and critique, the movie I choose was predator 2, it’s kind of a noir detective story at its core, all the vocals and preditor SFX come from the film, the drums were programmed by me too for a change as I’ve been trying to get away from using too many breaks and into something a bit more techy, synth wise it was usual suspects, pigments and serum and a bit of falcon


Why? Why is blind voting so important?

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I really appreciate all the work you and everyone else put into this.

I’m sorry it had to end… I had battles lined up for the rest of the year.

And I really thought that it improved everyones productions!

But, I can see that this is becoming an issue… yes, it was only one person… but then it opened a conversation thats critical with out offering a better alternative…

So it had to end, because once that conversation starts, then its always going to be brought up everytime a battle is announced.

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