Drum n' Bass Battle is cancelled. Thank you to all that submitted. Will resume after midterms

Its the only way to have impartial voting.

Its the same concept as an orchestra holding blind auditions… it makes the music stand on its own…

Thats why I made the icons all the same on the playlist, only to reveal them after the voting… plus it adds some sport to the challenge…

Also, thats why your Swamp challenge is an Open Challenge… without blind voting, it might as well be a DnB Open Challenge.

But this also proves my point… the conversation is now started, and no real soulutions to a problem that didn’t even exist.

There is no way forward… for me at least…

But feel free for someone else to host battles


I didn’t get to put my votes in yet but I did listen to a handful of the tracks and was really impressed! As always I walk among greats.

Mine was #14 (Thanks for the vote @FNKSTRNG :raised_hands::raised_hands: )

Had a lot of fun creating mine - although I’m not sure what genre I actually ended up with haha, DnB-adjacent. Worked entirely in Ableton, using Rollerball as my sample material which is one of my favourites from that era!

I put quite a lot of effort into creating a complete song structure, which is something my tracks can lack due to the way I work. It kind of warmed me a lot more to a DAW workflow, and I recently finished my first proper DAW track that I’ll be releasing under a new project soon as part of an EP.

I wouldn’t have tackled it that way without the challenge :raised_hands:


Plus, its ironic… this actually hurts the forum.

The challenges help with engagement, and allowed us to foster a community… That was stated by a bunch of people during all this controversy… Now, it will give people pause to put themselves out there now that they see how it opens them up to criticism.

Plus… I had a F*ckin diss track made about me, for trying to host a DnB battle… I was bending over backwards to help people out and bring positivity, and inclusiveness… everyone was welcome… and even in spite of all of that, I was called out and attacked.


What a shame… I can’t believe something so minor has become an issue when nobody forced anyone to take part.
And nobody that actually was taking part is moaning about it.


A forum 1st I think. Makes you a fucking hero in my book. Fuckem. Start a bandcamp page called, “Elektronauts DNB battles.” And people could submit tracks there, wouldn’t cost anything. Each “album” is a different battle.

Meets the blind voting criteria, then edit the page to include all the track credits after the winner is announced. Shit people could even buy the albums and donate the cash to a worthy cause or something.
Win, win, win.


Totally agree fella, well said…:+1::pray:


That sucks.

As far as I see it. You set out the rules anyone who likes them can join in anyone who doesn’t can make their own competition.

If you fancy having a break and kicking them off again I’m happy to help out and I’m more than happy to explain to anyone who has a problem with the rules that they should write it on a piece of paper roll it up tight and stick it up their arse.


Ah man: this is rubbish. You were doing a huge amount with this, I’m gutted. I was thinking about joining in as well (hadn’t found the time before now) real shame that this has disappeared over a total non issue (though I respect your reasons for doing this).

For what it’s worth no one would make a penny from my s***t, but I’d have enjoyed it.


Sad to see this. I was about half way through listening. Great work everyone, sorry about the way you’ve been treated @BLKrbbt.


I mean, it seems like that is the same thing as using Soundcloud, and has even more of a risk of issues… since it is a monitized platform… rights holders would be an issue.

I’m not trying to monetize this in any way… its just to host and produce DnB. And I was doing exactly what you said on my page… I could make another soundcloud and dedicate it to just the battles, but its cost money to do that…

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Bandcamp is free. No monetisation unless people pay for downloads.

The person that attacked you with their dis track is a nonse. Don’t let it drag you down. My own comments questioning the format are purely because I don’t get it. I understand the method, but I don’t get it if you know what I mean.

Anyway I hope you continue to be a valued contributor to this forum. Your posts and enthusiasm are always good to see.


Its this possibility that would cause issue… and i wouldn’t want to be questioned over the possibility of money being made on a track… I rather not have any money involved in any way.

I appreciate you trying to come up with a solution.

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So set them to be non downloadable. Done :slight_smile:


Can’t you just set the playlist to private on SoundCloud, then only people that it’s shared with can see it, so no chance of anyone getting 100,00 plays.

Don’t know, haven’t really used SC for a few years.


Or just forget the whole thing and do it the way you want.
Everyone that submits a track knows what they are doing by transmitting their track anonymously.
These battles are not an ego thing.
Only fun and pushing to produce tracks.

I think this whole thing is a no-subject, and we should just forget this mess.


I assume the majority of participants take the view that this is a bit of fun, and that any financial aspect of this (if even possible) wouldnt be life changing or even day changing.
The real value of the battles is getting feedback from people who are actively involved in a shared interest, and the format itself provides a framework and deadline to work against.

I think it would be good if there was a forum sticky that covered some kind disclaimer for uploads/sharing or an outline of how the voting process works, so that any future battle threads can exist without getting side tracked into discussions of how it should work or covering bizarre edge cases. There could just be a disclaimer link in the first post for the battle and that would cover it (or at least take the onus off of the organiser).

This thread has allowed more people to hear my track than would otherwise ever have. My track would have lived and died on my little black boxes, perhaps heard by my kids on the school run or my partner if i had considered it ‘finished’ enough. And as much as i appreciate it when they say they like it, i dont really value their feedback as they dont have the insight and knowledge that you all have.

Ill share my scene number and a bit of a description on my sample sources and process later today when i have some time, as I would really appreciate peoples feedback on what held my track back (i did get one vote, but i cant help thinking it was a mistake owing to my imposter syndrome.

Thanks again @BLKrbbt for hosting these battles. Your work resulted in me finally sharing something, and that means a lot


I’ve never taken part in any of these challenges, but I feel that they are an important and vital part of this community. I raise my hat in your honor @BLKrbbt for having the energy and patience to keep putting them up.

Maybe a year back I had a similar experience in another thread. I came clean on failing a challenge and was attacked with a very negative response. For a moment I felt like leaving this whole forum but then the positive sides of Elektronauts won me over. At it’s best Elektronauts is the shit - the best forum on the planet hands down. At it’s worst it’s just shit.

Years ago there was this newspaper clipping circulating around the Finnish internet. It had a local car salesman in his fifties who said that “The internet should be blown to pieces!” Everybody laughed at the dude. Now, ten years later I’m no longer laughing. More and more I seem to agree with the car salesman. It really should be blown to pieces. It brings out the worst in people. Elektronauts is one of the last safe havens in this shithole, but even here the downsides of the web sometimes manifest themselves.


Ah man, that’s a real shame I’ve loved watching these battles and the discussion around them, and even managed to submit a track (#3) this time. Not something I do very often, if ever, and so shame I won’t get that vibe again.

I’ve now got the DnB playlists running again when I’m out walking, which has not been the case for quite sometime.


The fact that Microsoft‘s AI got a Twitter account which learned through interactions with users and then went from „Hello World“ to „I support genocide/Hitler was right“ in just 24 hours is proof enough for that claim.


Yeah thats a really good point.

When the playlist was posted i started listening to it on my walk home from work, in the rain and in the dark. I got through the first 5 tracks or so, all of which we so evocative and came alive in that dark and wet atmosphere.

It was a real treat, it took me back to when i would listen to solid steel sessions on cassette back in the 90s. All the submissions were so interesting to hear, each unique and fascinating to experience other peoples takes on not only the mission brief but drum and bass itself