Drum n' Bass Battle is cancelled. Thank you to all that submitted. Will resume after midterms

Solid steel show was the tits I’ve still got quite a few of my faves backed up…


I would be sad about this, if this wasn’t just the internet.

@BLKrbbt thanks for the ride!
In the last 8years I’ve deleted more than 8 hours of my own music from the internet out of disappointment, I haven’t uploaded anythin new for years (except for a few current sounds on its thread here on nauts) but it felt great uploading a couple of tracks for the arcade battle - it was a great pleasure!


I didn’t record enough, and those that i did were so well loved the sound quality was pretty degraded.

Thankfully Strictly Kev archived everything they did, its behind a paywall on mixcloud though, but gets new uploads each week, so is there if you want it!

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Ah nice, I might do that, such an iconic and eclectic show, I discovered so much music listening to it, the solid steel presents CDs were also an education…

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I’m not into DnB at all but I was listening to every battle and every track and I don’t think that it should end because someone has issues with the posting platform.

why not use the forum to post then if someone is truly concerned about monetization?

the upload limit here is 10MB which translates to approx 4 minutes of 320mbps mp3, it should be enough for the battles submissions, no?
if not, just reduce to 256 which is plenty considering Soundcloud plays 128! that way you can extend to ~5 min I think.

submissions can be sent as PM and once uploaded you can just reuse the upload link to save space later on instead of duplicate uploads and can be posted as a full playlist in the original battle post description with all the relevant info.

hope you get it back it’s truly fun to listen to!


Wanted to add another voice of support, @BLKrbbt. Your enthusiasm is infectious, here in these battles and elsewhere on the forum. I hope you’re able to get some peace of mind over the next little while.

And I hope you feel comfortable coming back later, because there’s a clear welcome party in this thread alone, and what are we gonna do with the cake and streamers if you don’t?


The outpouring of support is wonderfully unexpected for a dumb DnB battle.

After thinking on it, I think after a bit of time, I may start the battles back up.

If I decide to start another run, nothing will change.

I liked the system I had developed, and I was comfortable with the SoundCloud format. I liked seeing the plays, and the visual aspect of the thumbnails. It just worked for me.

Plus, the blind voting added some gamesmanship to it.

Also, anyone who submits knows what’s up. It’s not about money, but for the love of the game.

If someone has a problem, then don’t submit. I think that’s all been reaffirmed. And instead of putting a bunch of disclaimers in the battle announcement, we can just link to this whole ordeal if it ever comes up again.

I want to thank everyone, especially @LyingDalai, for taking this seriously, and looking at it from all sides.

I really do enjoy hosting. But some time needs to pass, so not only does all this die down, but also so I can regroup.

I’ve said it before. I have clinical PTSD from my time in Iraq. It manifests itself as anxiety and hostility. I served in the Marine Corps, so being an angry Marine is not a good place to be.

I’m not that upset really at how I was treated…. But more concerned about how I might react. The last thing I need is to have said the wrong thing on here and ruin how I like to carry myself by going OFF. It’s just not a good look.

If this… wait no… when this happens again, I know exactly how to handle it. I will be immediately dismissive to any toxicity. And I will look right past it as if it doesn’t even exist.

All in all, I’m glad this happened. It allows me to take a break during the lead up to midterms at school, and now everyone will know what’s up. This will never happen like this again.

Thank you all. Really.

And I made the right decision taking down the battles, since there was too much distraction to what really counts, which is the music and the time everyone put into submitting.

just read it.


Excellent news.

We’ve all got your back.

If and when you bring it back let me know if you need any help and I’m there.


I really do hope they come back and if/when they do I’m in!!!


when you think about to do a restart i might want to contribute with a track too :smiley:


After midterms I’ll probably start them back up.

And the best way you can help is by putting all your energy into producing a banger submission like usual!

This whole thing was one big stress test of a good system. And I feel good how it was going. Nothing needs to change. I had a good system.


Man, what a drag. I’ve participated in enough forum/battles/challenges to have seen that a blind list does does seem to bring more diversity to voting patterns, and forces people to listen to each track with more intent (I also love the trainspotting aspect, trying to figure out who’s dubplate that is).

Personally I love the game far more than I care about winning, so the whole thing was a nice motivator for me, and the forum chatter was fun and encouraging to participate in. For that, I thank you @BLKrbbt, really appreciate the effort you put in and sad to see it come down to this.

My track was Scene 17 - I bungled the handoff and it didn’t get in until most tracks had a good 20+ listens, but I still ended up with a few nice comments (thanks!) and I was pretty proud of it.

  • Amen choppage was all done on digitakt, pre 1.50 update (so a shit load of work haha)
  • Pads were a mix of Syntakt swarm machines for the under-level, and the big blade runner sounding thing was a recreation I made of one of the hydrasynth presets way back when I was learning the synth. I played all these live rather than sequencying which was new for me
  • Basses came from Digitone, Nymphes, Syntakt, and the big growler from the hydra
  • chord stabs from MM2, some plucks from the Pro-1, and the arpegiated line from a Geode


It will be great to have you!


You an OG.

It’s all good. As you know, I was messing up at the beginning of this battle, and forgot to add your track. I felt bad about that, but that was a sign I needed a break, all this happening gives me an excuse to take one.

After midterms I probably be back up and running.


No worries dude, I sent you a track you couldn’t download, we did our two-man juggling routine, and you had it fixed in no time and we were off to the circus.

Best of luck on the mid-terms! Hoping that you pass of course, but also get a bit of time to rest and reset for the next rounds.


That’s the weird part. These battles were my “rest and relaxation” from school. So for it to take such a weird turn really threw me off.

It will be back and not better, just as good as it was.


I’m extremely glad you aren’t giving up on the battles. While I haven’t had the opportunity to participate yet, I have enjoyed the community that they have fostered. Good luck on your midterms! Shit can be brutal.


Yeah. And it’s all coding html and CSS.

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What a shame to wake up to this and that one nasty individual can ruin something special for so many. We were all having such fun! It was the best thread on this forum.

Moderators need to clamp down on such obviously toxic individuals much faster.

I hope @BLKrbbt resumes the battles when the time is right.