Drum n' Bass Battle is cancelled. Thank you to all that submitted. Will resume after midterms

Hey, please. I have a family and life. And, this morning, a meeting I HAD to attend to.
You know we’re not Elektron employees, don’t you?
I did try to deal with this the best/fastest I could.


Question (not just for the topic of this thread): couldn’t bittorrent be an answer?

Sorry, I’m not trying to give you a hard time. I only state it as an essential method to keeping this place healthy, which it generally is. I understand you can’t have eyes over everything.

I hope there is more than just you moderating a forum with what must be 1000s of posts a day!

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We’re four.

Note: the community can participate, as 3 flags get a post hidden, and too many get the topic temporary closed.

No, we don’t only want to have access to the files, we want to listen to the music :slight_smile:


Well for what it’s worth my track was #13 I appreciate some of the votes I got! It was all a live performance on the OT. Thanks again to @BLKrbbt for all his work and positive energy. People like him make this forum a fun place to hangout. I’m only here for these battles and to trade knowledge. Don’t care about gear and gas.

I didn’t get a chance to listen too everybody’s tracks so you all get a :star:


That is good to know, and certainly helpful if there was ever a repeat incident. Thanks for the good work making this forum enjoyable.


OK. I thought there was a bittorrent streaming option.

Oh, maybe there is indeed.


Sure there’s distributed file sharing but through dedicated applications or 3rd party webservices, but if you want people to participate as contributors and voters the less hurdles you make people jump through the better.


I like how it was modded. There is a delicate balance between moderating and outright censorship.

I feel that everything happened for a good outcome.

It was a learning experience for me, because I avoided socials for years until I found this forum.

In terms of the format, I’m going to keep it the same. I agree about the less hoops the better, and I’d rather handle the presentation so people can just focus on production and enjoying.

I’m actually glad everything happened, the battles will come back, just as strong, because it’s been tested, as have I.

And I am better prepared now to deal with toxic behavior. The setup worked for me. And now clear guidelines have been established and can be assumed.

If these issues crop up again, we can just link the critics to this thread. And carry on with no worries.


We don’t need to discuss how the competition was run everything was perfect as it was.

The only change is that haters should be swiftly ejected.


Just caught up with whatever the hell it was that happened here… Jeez.

I hope you’ll be back soon @BLKrbbt with more challenges. They were absolutely fine and dandy the way they were and you organizing them was well appreciated!


I’ll definitely be here for it when it is up and running again <3 : )



Yeah, it’s coming back just as strong. No changes. Just a break till the noise dies down, so we can focus on the important business.

The DnB.


I’m sorry it got caught up in the distractions.

Once the focus landed on me, the battle had to come down for a bit. That’s not what it’s about.

I feel like an underground radio channel, where I have a show that features great DnB.

Midterms are this month. After that I’ll make an announcement. I already have an idea for a theme. It should be epic.


I just need to ignore them better.

The outpouring of support tells me we were onto a good thing.

I feel like I can feel really confident about everything now.


You definitely should at some point, but I also want to underline that you handled it quite good and that there is a handful of trolls here that everyone knows and who constantly like to provoke. They are everywhere, and a healthy community and good moderation like here can usually manage them without banning etc., but I also appreciate that you openly admitted that everyone here is human and can also be triggered by these folks and their behaviour.

I was actually looking forward to participate since the next “found sound” topic really clicked with me, hope to see you starting this over soon!


I’d be glad to join in at some point too as and when everything is up and running again, as I really need to have something to prompt me to actually make better d&b.


Save your idea! The challenge is pretty open. You can use this one for the next submission.

I’ll take all tracks. And the prompt is really just a suggestion. Plus, you can have multiple entries so if anyone wants to keep working, it won’t go to waste.

In terms of the trolls, I have been lucky so far. So that’s why it came as such a shock.

But now I’m WAY better prepared. And now I know how to handle the situation, for when it happens again.

I’m just going to dismiss it and move on.

Some suggested I make a diss track back, but I don’t think I’m a good enough producer to use my music like that, plus I don’t have it in me to fight random people on the web.

Plus, it goes against what this is really about. The music!

I know I repeating myself over and over, I just don’t know how else to express how I feel about hosting these challenges.


No worries, just know that you are valued since your idea of the “battle” had a beautiful participatory approach which is important and vital for this community!


Late getting here and catching up on the kerfuffle :confused:
@BLKrbbt, I had seen the comments about monetising peoples tracks and, in all honesty, felt like if anything I ever made was that popular you got lots of hits and made some money, you should go straight out and buy yourself a coffee with it.
I think the set up that you used worked well and, in my case at least, I wouldn’t have been putting out the tracks if I wasn’t encouraged to do so by challenges like yours. People know how it works, if they’re not happy with that I assume they don’t participate.
Sorry you felt like you had to shut it down although I fully understand…also pumped that you’re likely to start it back up again…woohoo!
Take a break and relaunch when you’re feeling ready, we’ll all be here ready and waiting.