Druma soundpack for A4 AK new link

Thank’s a lot … will use this as a starting point for understanding & learning percussion-synthesis.

Purchased! …and looking forward to filling up the A4 with your sounds.

Thanks for making it available at a reasonable price, and can’t wait to hear your new pack.

Thanks everyone!

Here is a little peak at the next soundbank https://vine.co/v/hUuMzv9p7b1

Found my A4 and had a jam with these last night.

Excellent work Daren, really awesome stuff. Fucking excellent if the truth be told.

Thanks Rusty, I really put a lot of time into them and feedback like that makes it worth it :wink:

Here is another snippet of the classic synth soundbank: https://vine.co/v/hUBlUY6P2qu

Sweet piano - release classic synths before Xmas?

Yes!! need. please. now. :wink:

Awesome bank of drums Daren, I installed them over the weekend and got some wicked beats rolling. Top job :wink:

Thanks guys, I am really pleased with all the feedback.

A little update:

I am very happy that my drum sounds have no overlap with the new factory banks, and that my forthcoming classic synth pack is going to be quite different from any of the factory presets too (I know because I contributed to the factory sounds and am a beta tester)

The cool thing is with the +drive my sounds will leave plenty of room for user sounds, yet provide solid starting points for further editing, I don’t know about everyone else, but I do have certain ‘staple’ sounds that I use often, like certain types of drum, bass, leads and pad sounds where usually a slight tweak is all that is needed to fit the sound to the track I’m working on, so the idea is that these are really a time saver to get you 90% there.

I see no real value in me making flashy whizz bang presets deigned to impress, whilst cool to listen to in a store, and they are needed in a synth, most are not actually going to be used, so I have created these firmly with the composer in mind.

I’m hoping to have the classic synth pack ready before Christmas, I will do my best.

And don’t forget one person who bought the drumbank will win the next bank free!

Also I have a little treat in store for everyone who has purchased the drum bank…

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Drum bank purchased. :heart: Excellent work, darenager, this sounds really great. I hope to learn a lot analizing your sounds.
Please, keep this work, I’ll buy any soundbank if quality is like this one. Looking forward that classic synth sounds…
Thank you!

defo +1 from me for the classic synth pack. I’m well happy with the drum pack. And I’m bloody delighted about my hidden x-mas +Drive. Hurrah! :joy:

Just bought DRUMA, and that’s exactly how I intend to use these presets - I’m not much of a designer, more of a tweaker, so these really fit. I also reckon you jut saved me a ton, as I was looking to get either a Vermona or an MFB Tanzbar - now I get to explore the drum synthesis goodness of the A4. Looking forward to your synth ones as well, and it feels good supporting an EUer/Elektronaut :slight_smile:

hope it’s not bad form to talk about the how’s, ( i figure, it bumps the thread :joy: ) but damn claps are the hardest. took me forever.

Did you get any good ones?

I didn’t notice any in the demo? …and I did an empty reset without realizing it wiped the sounds, :sob: so I don’t know if there any as presets…

I tried using an LFO with fade, it’s incredibly touchy in regards to parameter depth. I’m undecided which LFO shape works best and the different envelope shapes really made a huge difference too. I still get my best claps stacking tracks which is kinda ridiculous!

Yea these are good! A great collection of sounds to use as starting points for us less genius types. Thanks!

amazing work, you are incredibly talented !
many thanks Daren !

excellent work daren. thanks alot :+1: purchased, and lovin it

purchased, these are really great!

purchased :heart:

Great work Daren !
Even if Elektron will not release an analog drum machine, you did it with my A4, thanks so much !!!

Thanks guys!